10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
The Thrills and spills Of Love
Roxanne Narrating:
So you last saw me ending my first day in Sunset Valley.It was a day filled with the open and fresh air of a new beginning. It's still hard to believe my life changed so drastically in the blink of an eye. But I'm not regretting anything. This is my life and I will follow my own dreams.
Its been a week since then and things have been pretty good.
So today before my shift started at the diner I decided to meet and get to know a few Sunset Valley natives. There was a guy named CyclOne SwOrd or whatever it is. He was nice but not my type
At least he seems to like cooking like myself, he sure talked about it enough.

By the end of the conversation I started my long shift at the diner in an excited mood. It was my first day doing something I loved after all. Of course, cleaning the greasy grills of the place wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I left work in a fog of headaches and stress. No wonder why I didn't get promoted.
It was later in the evening then and I swung by the bookstore to get my mind off things. A few chapters into a cheesy romance novel later and I got a call on my cell phone. At first I didn't recognize the voice becuase of the obvious stress and tiredness in contained....

????: "Hey Roxy, its Leighton. "
My eyes filled with recognition. You know that cute guy I was talking about? Well This is him. We have spent a lot of time together drinking coffee in his little kitchen and taking care of Sam, his son.
Roxanne: "Leighton!! It's so great to hear from you. "
Leighton: "Yeah, it's great to hear from you too. But can I ask you a favor? Sammy is crying nonstop right now. Nothing is working and its driving my mother insane. Could you swing by and help? You would be a lifesaver Roxy."
Roxanne: "Of course I can be there. Ill be there in five minutes."
Leighton: Oh Roxanne!! Thank you so much!!"
Roxanne: "Its no problem. Bye Leighton."
Leighton's eyes always light up when he talks about Sammy. His wife had died a few years back of cancer. I knew it still hurt him to talk about it.
So I made it to the Sekemoto household and went inside. I saw Leighton trying desperately to calm little Sam and stop the high pitched screaming.

Leighton: "Thank God your here. I don't know whats wrong? I have fed him, changed his diaper, sang a song. Nothings working."
Roxanne: "Ill try to help. You look like you need to sit down."
Leighton smiled at me with a sparkle in his eye. I didn't know what it meant but it sent butterflies through my stomach and electricity through all my veins.
Leighton left the room and I went over to Sam's crib.

"Hey Sam. You know little munchkin, you shouldn't be causing your daddy so much worry. He loves you more than the world itself and hates to see you sad."

It was a miracle but when I put little Sam in my arms his crying stopped and his big black eyes widened with emotion. It struck me so fast how quickly those eyes made him fall in love with him. The kind of love that would make you jump over a cliff or take a bullet just for his delicate life. I had never been so full of emotion.

I put little Sam back in his crib and he easily fell into slumber. I dabbed at my eyes and went into the Sekemoto living room. Leighton was there and before I could say a word his arms were tied around my body. Was it hot in there or was it just me?

Leighton:"Oh Roxy, I knew you could do it! Your a miracle!!"
I could feel the hot tears of emotion becuase his arms around me and his kind and passionate devotion to his son had stirred up a different kind of love and it blossomed fully in my heart. But just as suddenly his arms came off of me.
Leighton:"Im sorry about that...."
Words couldn't come fast enough for what was going to come next.
Roxanne:"What? No! I...I...I think I might...."
But suddenly he put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me close to his face.

Leighton"I don't know about you Ms.Robinson but I am falling deeply in love with you."
Roxanne: "I was going to say the exact same thing."
So that night was the first night I had felt like life couldn't get any better. I had the greatest man in the world and he had the greatest son in the world. But this solid tower was going to fall and I didn't know it yet
Tune in Next Time For Chapter Three
So you last saw me ending my first day in Sunset Valley.It was a day filled with the open and fresh air of a new beginning. It's still hard to believe my life changed so drastically in the blink of an eye. But I'm not regretting anything. This is my life and I will follow my own dreams.
Its been a week since then and things have been pretty good.
So today before my shift started at the diner I decided to meet and get to know a few Sunset Valley natives. There was a guy named CyclOne SwOrd or whatever it is. He was nice but not my type
At least he seems to like cooking like myself, he sure talked about it enough.

By the end of the conversation I started my long shift at the diner in an excited mood. It was my first day doing something I loved after all. Of course, cleaning the greasy grills of the place wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I left work in a fog of headaches and stress. No wonder why I didn't get promoted.
It was later in the evening then and I swung by the bookstore to get my mind off things. A few chapters into a cheesy romance novel later and I got a call on my cell phone. At first I didn't recognize the voice becuase of the obvious stress and tiredness in contained....

????: "Hey Roxy, its Leighton. "
My eyes filled with recognition. You know that cute guy I was talking about? Well This is him. We have spent a lot of time together drinking coffee in his little kitchen and taking care of Sam, his son.
Roxanne: "Leighton!! It's so great to hear from you. "
Leighton: "Yeah, it's great to hear from you too. But can I ask you a favor? Sammy is crying nonstop right now. Nothing is working and its driving my mother insane. Could you swing by and help? You would be a lifesaver Roxy."
Roxanne: "Of course I can be there. Ill be there in five minutes."
Leighton: Oh Roxanne!! Thank you so much!!"
Roxanne: "Its no problem. Bye Leighton."
Leighton's eyes always light up when he talks about Sammy. His wife had died a few years back of cancer. I knew it still hurt him to talk about it.
So I made it to the Sekemoto household and went inside. I saw Leighton trying desperately to calm little Sam and stop the high pitched screaming.

Leighton: "Thank God your here. I don't know whats wrong? I have fed him, changed his diaper, sang a song. Nothings working."
Roxanne: "Ill try to help. You look like you need to sit down."
Leighton smiled at me with a sparkle in his eye. I didn't know what it meant but it sent butterflies through my stomach and electricity through all my veins.
Leighton left the room and I went over to Sam's crib.

"Hey Sam. You know little munchkin, you shouldn't be causing your daddy so much worry. He loves you more than the world itself and hates to see you sad."

It was a miracle but when I put little Sam in my arms his crying stopped and his big black eyes widened with emotion. It struck me so fast how quickly those eyes made him fall in love with him. The kind of love that would make you jump over a cliff or take a bullet just for his delicate life. I had never been so full of emotion.

I put little Sam back in his crib and he easily fell into slumber. I dabbed at my eyes and went into the Sekemoto living room. Leighton was there and before I could say a word his arms were tied around my body. Was it hot in there or was it just me?

Leighton:"Oh Roxy, I knew you could do it! Your a miracle!!"
I could feel the hot tears of emotion becuase his arms around me and his kind and passionate devotion to his son had stirred up a different kind of love and it blossomed fully in my heart. But just as suddenly his arms came off of me.
Leighton:"Im sorry about that...."
Words couldn't come fast enough for what was going to come next.
Roxanne:"What? No! I...I...I think I might...."
But suddenly he put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me close to his face.

Leighton"I don't know about you Ms.Robinson but I am falling deeply in love with you."
Roxanne: "I was going to say the exact same thing."
So that night was the first night I had felt like life couldn't get any better. I had the greatest man in the world and he had the greatest son in the world. But this solid tower was going to fall and I didn't know it yet
Tune in Next Time For Chapter Three
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