This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang! And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!

Chapter Twelve

Posted by Taylor Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tots, the Future and Remaining Sane when everything feels insanse.
Roxanne Narrating

Im not going to lie, raising triplets has been hard times three.
Between diaper changes, tantrums and the always enjoyable spit ups, free time has been a thing that you can only dream of and wish you had some.

The girls each have there own unique personality.
Alice, the cutie above is a diva type and loves staying up all night and getting up real early.She loves her little xylophone and making noises in general. A future Britney Spears maybe? Well, take away the shaving her head and all.

Madeline is the independent one who loves to experiment if you will.
But sometimes she goes a little far in her attempts. One day she burrowed under the crawl space. When I came outside to she where she was her feet were poking out from under. I pulled her out and in her mouth nestled between her little teeth was a little mouse still squirming for survival.

I can tell you that was the last time I let her go anywhere without adult supervision.

And then there is little Belinda with her big lilac eyes and long brown hair. She takes what she has and will never want more. In a lot of ways that trait will get you far but in other ways it will leave you with the average, never wanting more in life.

Roxanne: "Hewe you go Lynn. Its your favowite, hot dwogs out of the bwender!"

Roxanne squealed with happiness. I squealed because of it's distinct odor.
I had never been a fan of the hot dog smell.....

But anyway,

It's also been hard raising them in near poverty. Money has been flowing in from Leighton's "job" but when you have triplets, enough just doesn't seem quite enough.Yes, The toilet is in the girls nursery for now and I still feel bad when I say that. I hope the girls aren't old enough to remember what they saw.

Brian is still a hermit and doesn't talk much but he did open up a little to tell us it was his birthday the very next day. I was taken aback a little and shocked I had almost forgotten the date. What a non-mommish thing to do. Like some of those PTA moms, I was always jealous of their perfectly booked schedules and their
big, shiny smiles.

Getting at least a lick of interaction from Brian was
rare so I decided to jump on it.

Roxanne: "Hey baby doll, how do you like the idea of celebrating yo
ur birthday as a party? Y'know, with all your friends and stuff?"

His face perked up like a dogs ears. A smile I hadn't seen since he was an infant spread across his face. He didn't answer me with words but he ran off to call his friends. My body tingled with pride. Beat that PTA moms.

Brian: "Dude, my mom said I can have a birthday party! Isn't that awesome!"

Christopher: "Yeah! Am I invited?"

Brian: "Absolutely not."

Christopher: "But....but..I sit by you all the time in lunch and I
even got Suzy to like you back...."

Brian: "Dude, Im just kidding! Of course your invited! Now about Suzy..."

The whole house's mood seemed to shift to a happier mood with the upcoming party. Even Leighton, who had been acting like the living dead was somewhat peppier. He even managed to get a day off work for all the festivities. Now that was hard to do.

Leighton: "Look son, the waters hitting my BUTT!"

Sam and him started laughing then and I started laughing to.
Were things finally going back to normal, the way normal sim
s lives go?

Roxanne: "Yeah, I wanna buy one ice cream cake and three baloon staue things.........What? They only come in pink?"

Party planning was harder than I thought it would be. I thought I would order a pizza but when I dialed the number and a person answered in a language I didn't know, I hung up and deecided to make my own dish. Kids like ratatoulile right?

Brian was abuzz with chatter about this and that. He terribly wanted to know what his present was going to be and tried to squeeze it out of Sammy....

Brian: "Hey big brother....hows it going....Can I ask you a question?"
Sam: "Let me guess Bri, what is momma and daddy going to get me huh?"

That's my Sam, he could keep a secret well. But who had he inheireted it from?
I had the name on my tongue but I tried not to think about it. But
it suddenly burst into my mind:


I looked out at him through the windows of the house. He was dancing before the party started like a goofball. But hes my goofball.

What was it he was trying to tell me that day before we were interupted by
Madeline? Was it something important?

Was it something bad?

I decided I would ask me. I would look into his eyes and see if he was lying.
I just hope I could stomach whatever he is trying to tell me.

The party was in full bloom when noon hit. The guest list was pretty intimate but quite a few party crashers came to come partake in the festivities. Well, at least they brought regular food, turns out kids hate ratatouille. I guess they only like the movie. *sigh*

Leighton really got the party going and kept the guests dancing to old 80's cotton candy sweet songs. I was inside a lot of the time making sure the girls didn't get into to much trouble and frosting the cake. To bad one of Brian's "early bloomer" friends insisted on trailing me....

Christopher:"Soo.....I see your Brian's mom right? So if I like, married you I would be his dad. THAT IS SO AWESOME! So what do you say?"

*Sigh* Kids these days right?

Upon the list of party crashers is Ayesha Anasari who is eyeing my husband like a Gucci handbag. I bit my lip when I saw her out front dancing like a lunatic.
I think I officially have a rival.

Bella, Sam's girlfriend came to celebrate Brian's birthday even though she hardly knew him. I knew she was there to see Sammy. She was the cities sweetheart and was forced to dance with the older folk.

But when they did get a chance to dance, the love they shared seemed to eminate from their bodies.

But when the main event came: the birthday, everyone gathered around to wish Brian a good transition from child to teen.

And there he was. Believe it or not, that's his happy look.
He is a handsome young man, and me and Leighton love him to death.

And as the guests gradually dispersed, me and Leighton finally had some time alone. My time to get some answers.

Roxanne: "Leighton, I need to know what is going on. Now."

Leighton: "Its nothing. I was just in a bit of a dump now I'm fine."

Roxanne: "Your lieing. I can tell."

Leighton: "It's better you don't know. I can't let you....."

I opened my mouth to protest. But I knew by the look in his eyes that his lips were sealed.

This was going to be hard but one way or another I will find out what is happening.


  1. Anonymous Said,

    She was eating a mouse?!? Ewwww!!!!!

    Brian is just so...happy? on his birthday. But, he did turn into a handsome boy. Maybe he teen years won't be so angst-y.

    Posted on July 18, 2009 at 7:21 PM

  2. Hey there,

    I just really want to add, you have the best sims 3 legacy blog I have ever seen lol, it is amazingly laid out aswell, nice job. So I am guessing you do not want to even read this proposal lol, but hopefully you will, I would really like it if you could join in! Basically, I was just wondering if you were interested in maybe joining up with my site and you could have a whole section of my Sims 3 news blog to yourself. What I want to do is find some fun, enthusiastic people who want to share their Sims 3 legacies all in one place, and have all their updates on my site. Oh yeh, it's and I don't want to spam, so you can delete this comment after you have read it and contacted me if you want.

    This is definitely not going to be a mass legacy website where people can make their own part of the site, this is just going to be a few select people whom I really think would be great and want this more than others.

    So yeh, what I would be doing is creating you a user on my site, (which is powered by wordpress, so if you have any problems with it, I can always help), where you could post your legacy updates. There would be a separate category for you and you can also share your Sims 3 fun! Just so you know, this is not some money making plan of mine, up till now, the site is completely non-profit, just a friendly fan site but even if I do ever decide to maybe have some ads to help pay for the hosting fees, you will be sure to get a share for your posting. I really hope you read this comment and not just delete it as spam lol as only a few people will be offered this opportunity.

    If you want to get hold of me, of contact me for any questions, please email me at blazingzach [at] googlemail [dot] com or just go to the contact page on my site.

    Many Thanks,

    P.S Please ignore my blogspot account lol, it's old :P

    Posted on July 26, 2009 at 10:10 AM


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