10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
Add a Pinch of jeoulousy, a Splash of heartbreak and a gallon of Regret
Belinda Narrating

I cried my self asleep, even though I had just got home from school. The covers of my big pink comforter seemed like my only friend, they were always here to give me a hug. I wish I could stay there forever.But as my mind entered dreamworld, I heard commotion inside the living room. Muffled yells rang out and I could hear my dad's name being called out. Was daddy hurt?
I hopped out of bed and opened the door wide. Daddy was on the ground, crumpled and dripping in a pool of sweat. I rushed over to him, tears streaming down my face and wet snot pouring out of my nose. But Brian stopped me and hugged me tight. I sobbed.
Brian: "Don't worry Belinda....He's alright. He just passed out."

Everyone was to busy steadying daddy to his feet that no one noticed Madeline, now looking at me right in the eyes, almost warning me of something soon to come. She winked at me and then ambled off to our shared room, seeming to have no cares in the world. My head was filled with angry thoughts. Why was she so....evil?
I looked over at daddy who was helped onto the bed, he had terror in his eyes and his whole body was shaking like a leaf. I walked over and took his big hand and he smiled a weak smile that was meant for me to feel better. But all it did was cause even more salty tears to rush down my cheeks. He told me to cheer up but I couldn't looking at the pain in his face. Mommy took my other hand and led me to my room, whispering things to me to help calm me down. I put on a brave face for her and kissed her goodnight. I then shut the door and opened up a random book.

It turned out to be a book titled "Jane Eyre" I read through the first chapters and quickly became enamored in her life. I only slightly noticed the house go to sleep around me. And as I ate up the text in front of me, the hours flew by and by the time I made it to the back cover, the house was awaking to blue skies. I could hardly believe I had spent all night reading. But the romance of the book filled me with enough joy and happiness to get off my bed and eat breakfast. Maybe my life wasn't so bad after all.
Or maybe it was going to get a lot worse.
Leighton Narrating

The day started with breakfast as the worried faces around me asked if I was alright. I told each of them was fine and that I just wasn't getting enough fluids.
Everyone looked satisfied by this answer except Roxanne. She knew me better than anybody.

The girls went off to elementary school, Belinda looking happy like I had never seen her before. I reminded myself to talk to her. That is, if I made it out of this mess alive.
I looked over at my wife. I sighed heavy. The woman I was going to betray in the biggest way was standing in front of me. I wanted so much to tell her everything but I knew that that would tear everything apart that was still here.. I took her hands. They were still soft but rough around the edges from working so hard. I sighed again. Time to improvise Leighton.

Leighton: "I'm sorry about....earlier. I don't know what came over me."
I tried to sound enthusiastic and genuine but it came out sounding like a t.v. ad
for shampoo. I could tell by her eyes she didn't believe me.

Roxanne: "Leighton, you are such a horrible liar. What is really wrong? I promise I won't be mad. Just tell me."

I cried my self asleep, even though I had just got home from school. The covers of my big pink comforter seemed like my only friend, they were always here to give me a hug. I wish I could stay there forever.But as my mind entered dreamworld, I heard commotion inside the living room. Muffled yells rang out and I could hear my dad's name being called out. Was daddy hurt?
I hopped out of bed and opened the door wide. Daddy was on the ground, crumpled and dripping in a pool of sweat. I rushed over to him, tears streaming down my face and wet snot pouring out of my nose. But Brian stopped me and hugged me tight. I sobbed.
Brian: "Don't worry Belinda....He's alright. He just passed out."
I looked down at my daddy and saw him start to move again. I breathed and looked at my mommy and big brother Sam who were stricken with emotional pain and were sobbing deeply. Then I looked over at Alice, the sister I shared my dollhouse with, also crying madly. But when I looked over at Madeline, her face was wearing a smug little smirk. Then she looked at me and giggled just a little so I could hear. If she didn't scare me so much, I would have yelled at her. But she knew and I knew that I was to afraid to lift a finger against her.

Everyone was to busy steadying daddy to his feet that no one noticed Madeline, now looking at me right in the eyes, almost warning me of something soon to come. She winked at me and then ambled off to our shared room, seeming to have no cares in the world. My head was filled with angry thoughts. Why was she so....evil?
I looked over at daddy who was helped onto the bed, he had terror in his eyes and his whole body was shaking like a leaf. I walked over and took his big hand and he smiled a weak smile that was meant for me to feel better. But all it did was cause even more salty tears to rush down my cheeks. He told me to cheer up but I couldn't looking at the pain in his face. Mommy took my other hand and led me to my room, whispering things to me to help calm me down. I put on a brave face for her and kissed her goodnight. I then shut the door and opened up a random book.

It turned out to be a book titled "Jane Eyre" I read through the first chapters and quickly became enamored in her life. I only slightly noticed the house go to sleep around me. And as I ate up the text in front of me, the hours flew by and by the time I made it to the back cover, the house was awaking to blue skies. I could hardly believe I had spent all night reading. But the romance of the book filled me with enough joy and happiness to get off my bed and eat breakfast. Maybe my life wasn't so bad after all.
Or maybe it was going to get a lot worse.
Leighton Narrating

The day started with breakfast as the worried faces around me asked if I was alright. I told each of them was fine and that I just wasn't getting enough fluids.
Everyone looked satisfied by this answer except Roxanne. She knew me better than anybody.

The girls went off to elementary school, Belinda looking happy like I had never seen her before. I reminded myself to talk to her. That is, if I made it out of this mess alive.
I looked over at my wife. I sighed heavy. The woman I was going to betray in the biggest way was standing in front of me. I wanted so much to tell her everything but I knew that that would tear everything apart that was still here.. I took her hands. They were still soft but rough around the edges from working so hard. I sighed again. Time to improvise Leighton.

Leighton: "I'm sorry about....earlier. I don't know what came over me."
I tried to sound enthusiastic and genuine but it came out sounding like a t.v. ad
for shampoo. I could tell by her eyes she didn't believe me.

Roxanne: "Leighton, you are such a horrible liar. What is really wrong? I promise I won't be mad. Just tell me."
Her voice was all kinds of persuasive. I almost took the bait but reminded myself again that it would ruin everything we still had. I bit my tongue and tried to think of a lie. I came up short and did the first thing that came into my mind.

The kiss was slow and romantic like our first, but with more heartbreak.
It went on for quite some time before she pulled back, both of us gasping for air and dizzy headed. When she looked at me again, there was a sparkle in her eye.
Then in a split second, my mind had devised a plan. I knew it would hurt both of us exponentially but I had to do it to save my families lives.
Leighton: "Rox....I got to tell you the secret that I have been keeping. The secret is that I got reservations at the bistro downtown. I just didn't want to tell you, so you would be surprised. They are for tonight. It will be great hon."
I hoped that I had lied good enough for her to believe me. She looked in my eyes for a few seconds. When I was just about to call out defeat, her eyes glimmered and she jumped up and down.
Roxanne: "Oh my god!! Leighton! I have been wanting to go there for ages!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!"
I wished she would be this happy forever. But by tonight she would know that I had created a mess to big to clean up completely.
Later that day....
My heart started beating out of control. I hoped she wouldn't show and that I would be saved. But when I heard the wheels of a black Porsche, I knew she was here. My heart sunk further than it had ever sunk before. And I looked out the window.

Just the thought of her caused me to get sick. But the sight of her made my stomach lurch. I vomited into the sink and didn't feel any better. The door opened. In a split second she had me in an embrace, three inches from my face.
Throw up went as far as my throat but stopped. I wished it had gone up and all over her. That would have made me feel a little better.

Ayesha: "Hi sweetie.....You miss me?"
I ground me teeth.
Ayesha: "Oh come now, love. You gotta make this fun for me. Remember who is in power here. I can make your family go bye-bye faster than you can say adios"
She looked into my eyes with that ugly smile of hers. Oh how desperately I wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare. But I knew I was already awake.
Ayesha: "That's the bed? Well, it will do I guess. Now go lay down on it."
I glared at her for a few seconds before doing what she asked. The sheets and blankets of the little wrought iron bed had never felt so foreign. And never had I felt so utterly sinful. I cleared my throat and tried to focus on the wall in front of me, seeing patterns that weren't there.

Then I imagined my wife. The lovely little thing heading down to the bistro, straight from the diner where she worked expecting me to welcome her.
But I was here instead.
I just hoped she wouldn't hate me so much. I had concocted those fake plans to get her out of the house to protect her from my biggest, darkest secret.
I felt the weight of the bed shift a bit and looked over to see what would be described as pure evil. Just then the images came into my mind of the baby we could create. It would be half mine but full evil. I would never have anything to do with the disgusting creature. As if reading my mind, Ayesha opened her horrible mouth:

Ayesha: "So I heard your son knocked up the Bachelor girl. How do you feel about that? What if our kid and theirs grew up together? You would probably hate that wouldn't you? But really, this baby will be not much different from theirs.They were both born from regret and sin......."
And as my mind raced with ghastly thoughts she pushed her mouth to mine.
Then she pulled both of us under the covers, my body moving mechanically, doing the thing I had to do, and also the thing that tortured my heart and soul the most.
Roxanne Narrating

I sat down into the green patio chairs, feeling high-class. Soon enough my husband would be here and then we would talk about the old times to a flute of champagne. I checked my watch. He was 20 minutes late. Irritation was setting in.
I looked at all the smiling faces. Women in the arms of their men. I wondered what they saw when they looked at my lonely table.

I looked at my watch again 30 minutes late. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed his number. Six rings and then right to voicemail. I clenched my teeth. The day-care for the girls was only open to 10. It was 9:25. I played with the ruffles in my top.

The minutes ticked by without Leighton showing his face. The happy couples around me smiled and laughed while the lone mother and wife cried sad little tears. As I looked at my watch I saw a big 9:55. Feeling rejected and confused I stood up and pushed in my chair, trying to hold on to whatever pride I had left.
And as I hailed a taxi the crying became sobs and my whole body shook with sadness. The whole world was crumbling into little, bitty pieces and I didn't know what to do about it.
Great story!
Posted on August 7, 2009 at 4:12 PM
Oh wow! That's horrible all around. Poor Roxie. Poor Leighton. That nasty woman. Maybe the evil sister should kill her...
Posted on August 8, 2009 at 10:36 AM
Yeah, sometimes I worry that I make the story to sad. Anybody think so?
I think I might try to add some happier parts soon, but in real life things happen that may be not so good. I guess that's what Im going for.
Posted on August 8, 2009 at 6:58 PM
Hehe, Taylor I like the drama. You've read my legacy, right? :)
Don't worry about it being too sad or dramatic or evil or insane or whatever. I think it's fun to read the story behind the Sims' actions and sometimes it's fun to make up the story and have the actions follow what you've made up.
Posted on August 9, 2009 at 9:07 PM
Thank you. Thats a confidence booster for sure.
Unfortunately I have been to busy with stuff to post updates in a long time but don't fret! They will be a coming soon as I find the mood to write.
Posted on August 16, 2009 at 5:52 PM
I love it. I wonder what's next for the triplets???
Posted on August 18, 2009 at 2:54 PM
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