10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
A birth and a Birthday
Roxanne Narrating
Hello once again everyone, and welcome to another chapter of my life! Last time you saw how I brought my new family to my teeny tiny house and went to my mother-in-laws house to discover I had a baby growing in me right at that moment. I really had to try to look at the glass half full at that moment. It was hard to do.
So after learning about my impending baby's birth I decided to head over to the salon and get my hair done in a more motherly way. Don't you worry though, I still have some pink in there!

So after that I decided to take it easy and rest. I looked over and saw Leighton with Sammy and that made me happy. He's a good dad. He really is.

The next day I was greeted by an alarm on my cell phone. I flipped it open and saw that it was Sammy's birthday today. I looked at him in his crib and sighed just a little. This would be the last time he would be small enough to snuggle in my arms. This would be the last time he played with his mini xylophone. But everyone has to get older and so I brought him to his dairy queen birthday cake and let him blow the candles out.

A puff of sparkles surrounded him and out came the same Sammy, only bigger and older.

The similarity to his father is striking. It was cute to me how he grew up in his underwear but he didn't think so. He rushed inside to get dressed into regular attire and then came back to take a slice out of his birthday cake. He deserved it. And he probably deserved even more than I could give him. But still he smiled and didn't have a care in the world.

That same night I started sporting a larger baby bump. It was weird knowing inside me was life that one day might be a CEO of a company or a model on a runway.

I hadn't gotten the chance to tell Sammy so he was a bit surprised by my bulging belly:
Sam: "Roxy!! Somethings growing on you!"
The next few days were filled with little events that all pregnant women have to go through.I had lots of old ladies I didn't even know come up to me and ask how far along I am and what names I like and who's the father. Then they would go into very long conversations about their own glory days. It got tiresome but it's all worth it in the end.
And of course there was a lot of stomach touching. My friends and co-workers all wanted to feel the delicate kicks in my stomach. Leighton also spent many hours talking to his unborn son or daughter. Then we would argue about baby names and then fall asleep from exhaustion of our day.

And at these times are love was the most strong and beautiful.

I was also grateful to him for keeping the family supported and food on the table. He put all his heart and soul into his sports career yet is still able to love me, Sam and my unborn child unconditionally.I am not going to lie, I am still a little envious that he gets to pursue his career dreams.

Sam spent a lot of time at his grandma's house. (Leighton's mom)
She comes off as a harsh cold woman but when Sam comes home, he always comes back with an action figure or something of that sort and tells me about their trips to the beach and the sports arena. He doesn't call me mom and I understand. I probably wouldn't call my non-biological mother "mom"

As for the hubby, he got a full membership pass to the Sunset Valley fitness club.
He spends a few hours after work there. I guess its his way to unwind and get one step closer to that next promotion. Did I ever tell you Leighton's major dream is to have five children. I was a little jolted by this:
Roxanne: "You want five kids? What do I look like, a machine?"
I didn't say it in a mean way. It was more of a shocked tone.
Leighton: "Of course I would love to have more children. We can have a big, beautiful family, and you can have the little girl I know you want so bad.
But if you don't want more that's Ok"
He then assumed the stricken, puppy dog face that made me want to make 30 more kids if it made him happy. I then knew that the baby inside me was probably not going to be the last one that was going to be there.

One night all was the same but it did not end that way. I woke up with horrible cramps and realized I was going into Labor!! Leighton was at work so I hailed a taxi to the hospital, the baby is coming!!

The bi-standers by the hospital were a little excited by all this!

One of the nurse's called the sports stadium where Leighton worked.
His boss let him off early and he rushed on over to the hospital.
After a few hours of things I won't go into I emerged with a little bouncing boy named Brian.

Tune In Next Time For Chapter Six!
Hello once again everyone, and welcome to another chapter of my life! Last time you saw how I brought my new family to my teeny tiny house and went to my mother-in-laws house to discover I had a baby growing in me right at that moment. I really had to try to look at the glass half full at that moment. It was hard to do.
So after learning about my impending baby's birth I decided to head over to the salon and get my hair done in a more motherly way. Don't you worry though, I still have some pink in there!

So after that I decided to take it easy and rest. I looked over and saw Leighton with Sammy and that made me happy. He's a good dad. He really is.

The next day I was greeted by an alarm on my cell phone. I flipped it open and saw that it was Sammy's birthday today. I looked at him in his crib and sighed just a little. This would be the last time he would be small enough to snuggle in my arms. This would be the last time he played with his mini xylophone. But everyone has to get older and so I brought him to his dairy queen birthday cake and let him blow the candles out.

A puff of sparkles surrounded him and out came the same Sammy, only bigger and older.

The similarity to his father is striking. It was cute to me how he grew up in his underwear but he didn't think so. He rushed inside to get dressed into regular attire and then came back to take a slice out of his birthday cake. He deserved it. And he probably deserved even more than I could give him. But still he smiled and didn't have a care in the world.

That same night I started sporting a larger baby bump. It was weird knowing inside me was life that one day might be a CEO of a company or a model on a runway.

I hadn't gotten the chance to tell Sammy so he was a bit surprised by my bulging belly:
Sam: "Roxy!! Somethings growing on you!"
The next few days were filled with little events that all pregnant women have to go through.I had lots of old ladies I didn't even know come up to me and ask how far along I am and what names I like and who's the father. Then they would go into very long conversations about their own glory days. It got tiresome but it's all worth it in the end.
And of course there was a lot of stomach touching. My friends and co-workers all wanted to feel the delicate kicks in my stomach. Leighton also spent many hours talking to his unborn son or daughter. Then we would argue about baby names and then fall asleep from exhaustion of our day.

And at these times are love was the most strong and beautiful.

I was also grateful to him for keeping the family supported and food on the table. He put all his heart and soul into his sports career yet is still able to love me, Sam and my unborn child unconditionally.I am not going to lie, I am still a little envious that he gets to pursue his career dreams.

Sam spent a lot of time at his grandma's house. (Leighton's mom)
She comes off as a harsh cold woman but when Sam comes home, he always comes back with an action figure or something of that sort and tells me about their trips to the beach and the sports arena. He doesn't call me mom and I understand. I probably wouldn't call my non-biological mother "mom"

As for the hubby, he got a full membership pass to the Sunset Valley fitness club.
He spends a few hours after work there. I guess its his way to unwind and get one step closer to that next promotion. Did I ever tell you Leighton's major dream is to have five children. I was a little jolted by this:
Roxanne: "You want five kids? What do I look like, a machine?"
I didn't say it in a mean way. It was more of a shocked tone.
Leighton: "Of course I would love to have more children. We can have a big, beautiful family, and you can have the little girl I know you want so bad.
But if you don't want more that's Ok"
He then assumed the stricken, puppy dog face that made me want to make 30 more kids if it made him happy. I then knew that the baby inside me was probably not going to be the last one that was going to be there.

One night all was the same but it did not end that way. I woke up with horrible cramps and realized I was going into Labor!! Leighton was at work so I hailed a taxi to the hospital, the baby is coming!!

The bi-standers by the hospital were a little excited by all this!

One of the nurse's called the sports stadium where Leighton worked.
His boss let him off early and he rushed on over to the hospital.
After a few hours of things I won't go into I emerged with a little bouncing boy named Brian.

Tune In Next Time For Chapter Six!
1 Comment
Wow. That is one cute baby in the last picture.
I liked how you describe Sammy going off and getting spoiled by his grandmother. I thought that was cute.
Posted on July 4, 2009 at 10:49 AM
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