10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
An Important Announcement/ It's time
Sam Narrating

As I stared at the bare, empty canvas I tried hard to wipe the memories away, just long enough to paint something. but they persisted and the tragic white stayed tragically white. My knees shook as I let my mind rest on things.
Oh, how things can change.
The wide expanse of green grass drew ahead of me and I thought of my child.
A little boy, is what I was resting on. Maybe he would paint like me or fish in the ponds across Sunset Valley. He could even grow up and be a scientist, the possibilities were endless.
And as I found these thought joyful, I had to remember the negatives.
Bella and me had just turned 18 and could barely care for our rebellious souls, let alone a toddling toddler. And then I thought about the reaction from Dad.
Roxanne wouldn't be to mad because she was a sucker for children but dad saw more in me than having a child when I was unmarried with no job.
And one of the most negative thing that I learned over this experience, that has frozen my heart like an ice sculpture is that my girlfriend, whom I couldn't love more if I tried may not be in it for me. She just wanted a baby who she could carry around in a fancy bassinet and show all her jetsetting friends.
Oh, how this angers me.

Bella: "Bleeeeeeeeegg!!"
The terrible smells of morning sickness filled the house almost daily.
Bella was to scared to tell her parents so she stayed at our place, Roxanne and Dad unaware of what was really happening. Sometimes I worried about the baby.
Bella was so pale and sick all the time and was put into a lot of stress hiding the baby from me and her parents.

My sisters started catching on to Bella's "signs" because they were home on weekends and saw Bella throwing up or tickle her belly. I just didn't know it was that obvious. The only reason I guess Mom and dad haven't noticed is because of my sisters. Three kids were a handful for two parents, but still they managed. I don't know how they did it, just Bella's early pregnancy was taking it's toll on me.

Brian also knows, and I thank God he hasn't told Roxanne and Dad, it would be bad enough telling them face to face. I clench my teeth, how am I going to tell them?

Bella: "Sam!! Guess what? Babies are born with very poor vision but can recognize their mother right away! Did you hear that? My baby will know me!!"
I grumbled. She was reading one of those "pregnancy 101" books again.
She had been shooting random facts at me all day. I shook my head, and tried to give a disproving frown but a smile came instead. I couldn't resist her and that's what got us here in the first place.

Bella: "Oh and listen at this....playing classical music to a baby increases their intelligince.....what does in-telly-gence mean again, Sam?"
I ignored her and snuggled close to her warm body. Roxanne and Dad were having dinner at the diner and my sisters were sleeping. I loved these times with my Belle.
She put the book down and turned toward me, a warm smile playing delicately across her fine lips.
Bella: "Sam, do you hate me? Tell me your honest answer.....I know what I did to you was bad......And I'm really really sad about it.....I just really want this baby. More than anything in the world. I love you."
Little tears came rippling down her cheeks and left her green eyes sparkling with pixie dust. I wiped away the ribbons of tears and felt the little bump forming the baby we both loved. Slow kisses then followed and faster ones soon after. We kissed until headlights shined through the windows and Roxanne and my dad crossed the threshold inside the house. Now was the time to confess.
Leighton Narrating

I looked out the window of the little yellow taxi,taking me and my wife home after a romantic dinner at the diner.I was reflecting on my life thus far.
Good memories came to mind like the day I had got married to the best woman in the world. Her white dress with a criss-cross bodice and long cream colored silk.
Then came the memory of my second born son, Brian fussy even then.
Then of course was Sam growing up in front of me faster than I could comprehend.

I opened the door, my arm wrapped around the women I loved. Today we had reached a sort of mutual truce of sorts. I wanted my sweetheart back, and all this fighting was driving a brick wall between her delicate lips and mine.....
I peeked inside. Sam was cooking something with a distinct odor that kicked up old memories of the guys locker room in high school. My nose pinched together in disgust but I quickly hid my expression and greeted my eldest son.
Leighton: "Hey Buddy......watcha makin' there?"
I hung up my overcoat and helped Roxanne out of hers.I then saw that my t-shirt was drenched in sweat.The diner was pretty warm. I stripped off I felt the warmth of her skin and the shine of her hair and I realized I hadn't had it for a long time.
My mind wandered for a few seconds on the prospect of a little adult time later....

But when I looked up at my son, the sullen expression on his pale face stopped my thinking.
Leighton: "Sam....what's wrong? Oh my God, did you KILL SOMEBODY?"
I don't even know why I jumped to such stupid conclusions, it was just the first thing that came to my mind. The bloody murder of Johnny came to my mind.
My stomach lurched and my brain twitched. I had seen the whole thing.
Sam: "No dad, I didn't kill anyone. But I think I might have goofed things up a bit......B-B-Be-Be..P-pre-pr."
Leighton: "SAM! Just spit it out! WHAT HAPPENED?"
The sound of my yelling must have hit a nerve. He glared up at me, tears streaming down his cherry red cheeks.
Pain struck every nerve in my body and I reacted. At first I didn't know how but it was pronounced by the large throbbing red mark on Sam's cheek. My hand felt sore to. Sam was wincing in physical pain while I was wincing in mental pain.

I couldn't take it anymore. The years of being a cold hard criminal doesn't protect you from this. I ran out the door, the cold night air chilling me to the bone. But I didn't care, nothing mattered anymore after all.
Why does everything have to be so complicated?

The room was bright when I opened my eyes. I felt the pool of something under me and I wondered what it was. Then I smelled the identifying odor. Sweat. The covers felt familiar and cheap, dyed a light cream. Snippets of conversation then came into focus as my senses became adjusted....
Roxanne: "I feel so terrible right now.....Leighton took the news so bad....I picked him up from one of the park benches downtown. The baby is just bad news to him I guess....Oh, I don't know what to do!"
The voice of my love filled the world with bliss for a few fleeting seconds. It was filled with concerned love that was so beautiful coming out of her mouth. But then came the second voice...

????: "Well, you may need to take him into a shrink, I hear they have reasonable rates these days...."
I heard my wife gasp a little and her tone went from concerned to angry.
Her hothead trait was one of the quirks about her that I loved. It came in handy protecting herself, or in this case, myself.

Roxanne: "OK, Jared I don't know if your just trying to be funny or what, but there is no way in hell I would lock up the love of my life in a crazy house! Who do you take me for?"
I peeked open my eyes. I was still groggy and sore, just opening my eyes caused a
full-scaled migraine. I stored all the bad memories away temporarily in a vacant corner of my mind. I would have to deal with those later, now I had to relax....

Jared: "I'm sorry love, I can just to conclusions pretty fast. You and your.....husband will get through this and I will give you any help that you need."
What is with this "love" business??? Is there something I don't know about here?
And why was he looking at her....amorously? I righted myself on the squeaky bedframe. My head felt like I had a massive hangover.....maybe I had had a few drinks in the park last night?
Roxanne and the husky voiced stranger looked over at me. Roxanne had her arms around my neck in a split second and was cooing things into my ear. Her arms were extra warm with worry, about the........I couldn't bring myself to say "pregnancy" The word had changed from beautiful news of an upcoming bundle of joy to a word of disgust.....I would never be able to look at him the same way again.
I looked over at this "Jared" guy. Chunky sideburns and ugly jewelry completed the image of "wannabe" or whatever they call it these days. I swooped in to Roxanne for a big smooch that I knew he was uncomfortable about. Still he looked at my wife like he might pick her up and do the same thing.

Just when I was going to give him a piece of my mind (And maybe a big punch in the stomach) my three beautiful girls came running up the cement stairs.I could hear the sounds of mary Jane's hitting the floor and the soft feminine voices bickering with each other. I must have slept for a while, they were just getting home from school.

My three little girls. The same little girls that surprised the heck out of us when we first had them. Triplets? We thought we couldn't do it. We had but just barely.
Life has gone by in a most unusual way. Madeline was the one with the long black hair and Alice was the one with her hair pulled back.They both have my Asian traits. And then there is Belinda, the lilac eyed, brown haired girl who reminds me of my lovely wife whenever I look at her.
They entered the house and I saw that Belinda had tears strewn across her face.
What was wrong? I called out her name but she shut her door behind her.
I could hear muffled sobs.
I was just about to clasp the knob when my phones ringtone startled me.
I looked down at caller ID and saw an unfamiliar number. That was odd.....all the people I knew were already punched in. I didn't get it in time so I clicked "call back"

As it was dialing, a familiar voice came from behind.
My knees locked and my neck tightened.
Sam: "Dad, I'm so sorry."
There was so many emotions in my boys voice. So much sincerity rang clear in his voice. I still loved him even though he messed up. And that wasn't going to change.
The phone was on the last ring and I was a split second away from flipping it close when a voice answered:
Ayesha Anasari: "It's time Leighton, tomorrow night.Hope that it's a boy"
And the evil voice ended that quickly. Just those five words made my heart tear up into millions of teeny tiny shards. I looked back at my son and then collapsed onto the ground, leaving conciousness for right now and slipping into temporary darkness knowing full well things were going to go astray in the life of the Robinson family.

As I stared at the bare, empty canvas I tried hard to wipe the memories away, just long enough to paint something. but they persisted and the tragic white stayed tragically white. My knees shook as I let my mind rest on things.
Oh, how things can change.
The wide expanse of green grass drew ahead of me and I thought of my child.
A little boy, is what I was resting on. Maybe he would paint like me or fish in the ponds across Sunset Valley. He could even grow up and be a scientist, the possibilities were endless.
And as I found these thought joyful, I had to remember the negatives.
Bella and me had just turned 18 and could barely care for our rebellious souls, let alone a toddling toddler. And then I thought about the reaction from Dad.
Roxanne wouldn't be to mad because she was a sucker for children but dad saw more in me than having a child when I was unmarried with no job.
And one of the most negative thing that I learned over this experience, that has frozen my heart like an ice sculpture is that my girlfriend, whom I couldn't love more if I tried may not be in it for me. She just wanted a baby who she could carry around in a fancy bassinet and show all her jetsetting friends.
Oh, how this angers me.

Bella: "Bleeeeeeeeegg!!"
The terrible smells of morning sickness filled the house almost daily.
Bella was to scared to tell her parents so she stayed at our place, Roxanne and Dad unaware of what was really happening. Sometimes I worried about the baby.
Bella was so pale and sick all the time and was put into a lot of stress hiding the baby from me and her parents.

My sisters started catching on to Bella's "signs" because they were home on weekends and saw Bella throwing up or tickle her belly. I just didn't know it was that obvious. The only reason I guess Mom and dad haven't noticed is because of my sisters. Three kids were a handful for two parents, but still they managed. I don't know how they did it, just Bella's early pregnancy was taking it's toll on me.

Brian also knows, and I thank God he hasn't told Roxanne and Dad, it would be bad enough telling them face to face. I clench my teeth, how am I going to tell them?

Bella: "Sam!! Guess what? Babies are born with very poor vision but can recognize their mother right away! Did you hear that? My baby will know me!!"
I grumbled. She was reading one of those "pregnancy 101" books again.
She had been shooting random facts at me all day. I shook my head, and tried to give a disproving frown but a smile came instead. I couldn't resist her and that's what got us here in the first place.

Bella: "Oh and listen at this....playing classical music to a baby increases their intelligince.....what does in-telly-gence mean again, Sam?"
I ignored her and snuggled close to her warm body. Roxanne and Dad were having dinner at the diner and my sisters were sleeping. I loved these times with my Belle.
She put the book down and turned toward me, a warm smile playing delicately across her fine lips.
Bella: "Sam, do you hate me? Tell me your honest answer.....I know what I did to you was bad......And I'm really really sad about it.....I just really want this baby. More than anything in the world. I love you."
Little tears came rippling down her cheeks and left her green eyes sparkling with pixie dust. I wiped away the ribbons of tears and felt the little bump forming the baby we both loved. Slow kisses then followed and faster ones soon after. We kissed until headlights shined through the windows and Roxanne and my dad crossed the threshold inside the house. Now was the time to confess.
Leighton Narrating

I looked out the window of the little yellow taxi,taking me and my wife home after a romantic dinner at the diner.I was reflecting on my life thus far.
Good memories came to mind like the day I had got married to the best woman in the world. Her white dress with a criss-cross bodice and long cream colored silk.
Then came the memory of my second born son, Brian fussy even then.
Then of course was Sam growing up in front of me faster than I could comprehend.

I opened the door, my arm wrapped around the women I loved. Today we had reached a sort of mutual truce of sorts. I wanted my sweetheart back, and all this fighting was driving a brick wall between her delicate lips and mine.....
I peeked inside. Sam was cooking something with a distinct odor that kicked up old memories of the guys locker room in high school. My nose pinched together in disgust but I quickly hid my expression and greeted my eldest son.
Leighton: "Hey Buddy......watcha makin' there?"
I hung up my overcoat and helped Roxanne out of hers.I then saw that my t-shirt was drenched in sweat.The diner was pretty warm. I stripped off I felt the warmth of her skin and the shine of her hair and I realized I hadn't had it for a long time.
My mind wandered for a few seconds on the prospect of a little adult time later....

But when I looked up at my son, the sullen expression on his pale face stopped my thinking.
Leighton: "Sam....what's wrong? Oh my God, did you KILL SOMEBODY?"
I don't even know why I jumped to such stupid conclusions, it was just the first thing that came to my mind. The bloody murder of Johnny came to my mind.
My stomach lurched and my brain twitched. I had seen the whole thing.
Sam: "No dad, I didn't kill anyone. But I think I might have goofed things up a bit......B-B-Be-Be..P-pre-pr."
Leighton: "SAM! Just spit it out! WHAT HAPPENED?"
The sound of my yelling must have hit a nerve. He glared up at me, tears streaming down his cherry red cheeks.
Pain struck every nerve in my body and I reacted. At first I didn't know how but it was pronounced by the large throbbing red mark on Sam's cheek. My hand felt sore to. Sam was wincing in physical pain while I was wincing in mental pain.

I couldn't take it anymore. The years of being a cold hard criminal doesn't protect you from this. I ran out the door, the cold night air chilling me to the bone. But I didn't care, nothing mattered anymore after all.
Why does everything have to be so complicated?

The room was bright when I opened my eyes. I felt the pool of something under me and I wondered what it was. Then I smelled the identifying odor. Sweat. The covers felt familiar and cheap, dyed a light cream. Snippets of conversation then came into focus as my senses became adjusted....
Roxanne: "I feel so terrible right now.....Leighton took the news so bad....I picked him up from one of the park benches downtown. The baby is just bad news to him I guess....Oh, I don't know what to do!"
The voice of my love filled the world with bliss for a few fleeting seconds. It was filled with concerned love that was so beautiful coming out of her mouth. But then came the second voice...

????: "Well, you may need to take him into a shrink, I hear they have reasonable rates these days...."
I heard my wife gasp a little and her tone went from concerned to angry.
Her hothead trait was one of the quirks about her that I loved. It came in handy protecting herself, or in this case, myself.

Roxanne: "OK, Jared I don't know if your just trying to be funny or what, but there is no way in hell I would lock up the love of my life in a crazy house! Who do you take me for?"
I peeked open my eyes. I was still groggy and sore, just opening my eyes caused a
full-scaled migraine. I stored all the bad memories away temporarily in a vacant corner of my mind. I would have to deal with those later, now I had to relax....

Jared: "I'm sorry love, I can just to conclusions pretty fast. You and your.....husband will get through this and I will give you any help that you need."
What is with this "love" business??? Is there something I don't know about here?
And why was he looking at her....amorously? I righted myself on the squeaky bedframe. My head felt like I had a massive hangover.....maybe I had had a few drinks in the park last night?
Roxanne and the husky voiced stranger looked over at me. Roxanne had her arms around my neck in a split second and was cooing things into my ear. Her arms were extra warm with worry, about the........I couldn't bring myself to say "pregnancy" The word had changed from beautiful news of an upcoming bundle of joy to a word of disgust.....I would never be able to look at him the same way again.
I looked over at this "Jared" guy. Chunky sideburns and ugly jewelry completed the image of "wannabe" or whatever they call it these days. I swooped in to Roxanne for a big smooch that I knew he was uncomfortable about. Still he looked at my wife like he might pick her up and do the same thing.

Just when I was going to give him a piece of my mind (And maybe a big punch in the stomach) my three beautiful girls came running up the cement stairs.I could hear the sounds of mary Jane's hitting the floor and the soft feminine voices bickering with each other. I must have slept for a while, they were just getting home from school.
My three little girls. The same little girls that surprised the heck out of us when we first had them. Triplets? We thought we couldn't do it. We had but just barely.
Life has gone by in a most unusual way. Madeline was the one with the long black hair and Alice was the one with her hair pulled back.They both have my Asian traits. And then there is Belinda, the lilac eyed, brown haired girl who reminds me of my lovely wife whenever I look at her.
They entered the house and I saw that Belinda had tears strewn across her face.
What was wrong? I called out her name but she shut her door behind her.
I could hear muffled sobs.
I was just about to clasp the knob when my phones ringtone startled me.
I looked down at caller ID and saw an unfamiliar number. That was odd.....all the people I knew were already punched in. I didn't get it in time so I clicked "call back"

As it was dialing, a familiar voice came from behind.
My knees locked and my neck tightened.
Sam: "Dad, I'm so sorry."
There was so many emotions in my boys voice. So much sincerity rang clear in his voice. I still loved him even though he messed up. And that wasn't going to change.
The phone was on the last ring and I was a split second away from flipping it close when a voice answered:
Ayesha Anasari: "It's time Leighton, tomorrow night.Hope that it's a boy"
And the evil voice ended that quickly. Just those five words made my heart tear up into millions of teeny tiny shards. I looked back at my son and then collapsed onto the ground, leaving conciousness for right now and slipping into temporary darkness knowing full well things were going to go astray in the life of the Robinson family.
This chapter took sooooo long.
But anyways, a chapter or two of Sam and I think I will move him out.
Im not giving away anything though! :-]
I know there hasn't been much of the girls lately, and that will be fixed (hopefully) next chapter when Belinda tells you what's on her mind.
And, if any of you care, I am really trying to catch up this blog with my playing since I am already on gen. 3 in the game. *blushes*
So expect more updates, even though Im going on another week long excursion in 5 days.
Thanks for reading!
Posted on August 2, 2009 at 4:31 PM
good chapter. hope you get caught up before you leave for vacation again.
Posted on August 2, 2009 at 7:16 PM
That would be miracoulous at this point in time.
Every chapter takes me at least a day to compile, write and such. And with all the drama and events happening in the coming chapters, I really doubt I could unless I sacrifice a lot of sleep. :-)
Posted on August 2, 2009 at 8:39 PM
Pssshhh, what's sleep?!
I'm going to await every update because the drama is getting so good. I want to know what's happening now...
I'm like a spoiled child screaming "Now, now, now," in my head :)
Posted on August 3, 2009 at 7:48 AM
Tee hee!
I am really trying to write, write, write to try and catch up with playing.
I seem to play to much. ;-)
And I have decided to use a USB stick with all my pictures and update from a laptop during my vacation, because I hate leaving the blog for so long.
Posted on August 3, 2009 at 12:38 PM
umm... why isn't chapter 16 working? i click on it and it says that it doesn't exist.
Posted on August 7, 2009 at 1:22 PM
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