10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
Q:Does trouble always find Me?
Roxanne Narrating
If you think about it, I had come more than a long way since I arrived in Sunset Valley. I had thought I had known the world inside and out yet now I know I was as naive as the baby sparrow, testing out it's wings for the first time and failing.
On those first days I was a free woman who knew where she was going and wasn't going to let anything get in the way. Now I barely knew which way was up.

It was the car ride home from the hospital and both of us were drained of energy and a little shocked by the arrival of triplets. Ok, more than a little. A lot.
Leighton was barely keeping his eyes open, he was supposed to work that night too. But when he knew that he had three beautiful children, he was ecstatic. He wanted five children and now he had them. We had them.

Now, you may be on the edge of your seat wondering the genders and names of the little bundles. You are lucky because I am
going to tell you. Out of the basket came:

A little girl named Madeline. I call her Lynn because it's easier for me.
Especially when you have a household of seven. She has very dark eyes and I think she received Leighton's looks the most.
The next baby is:

Little Alice, another girl.You can tell she looks an awful lot like her sister, Madeline. She already has a strong personality and loves being cooed at. I don't know what this will mean later on but I guess I'm going to have to wait and see.
And last but not least is:

A third baby girl named Belinda. Yes, I got the girl I wanted times three.
The thing I notice about Belinda is her big, violet eyes. And it hit me how she had inherited them from me. I just stared into them and she smiled her little toothless smile. It warmed my heart and still does.

But the strenuous responsibilities kicked in quickly. Leighton had to take
frequent trips to the grocery store for the three little girls getting diapers and bottles and, by my request, little bows and doodads to adorn my baby girls in. It was hard for Leighton at first, his graveyard schedule left him little time with them. And what made it worse it that he was doing illegal and immoral things while at work. He was a pretty religious guy to and he hated his job. Absolutely hated it.

And speaking of not liking things, Brian has been acting weird.
Ever since the triplets have been born, Brian has closed up all communication
with me and Leighton and his older brother. He has straight D's in school and I blame myself. He was the object of all our affections before the triplets and now he is.....I don't even know how to say it....

But as I put down one of the babies another one starts screaming bloody murder.
And then when I put that one down I come to talk to him and he's gone to school or out with his friends. People he can count on more than me. I sigh as I write this.

Life as a multiple mommy can be described in many words. It's hard.
More hard than yard work or getting a promotion or teaching an old dog how to use a can opener. It's tiring too. Sometimes I hate Leighton for leaving every night and sleeping most of the day. I want to fall on the ground and cry but then I know that it would only make this worse. But sometimes the only thing you can do is cry.
Leighton Narrating
The birth of my three baby girls was one of the best things that happened to me.
I looked up at the sky and gave whoever was up there a little thank you. On a night the girls were especially loud and fussy, I was off to my job. If you could call the horrible things they do there a job.
That evening started like any other normal work day. If you could call stuffing bodies in garbage bags and scouting out the police normal. But the birth of my three gorgeous daughters seemed to propel me to keep going, even though I didn't feel like going anymore.

I was stuck in this job in fear that if I left, the Sunset Seven would kill both me and my family. I could never let that happen. So when I had to get into that old, dingy car for work it was out of complete and utter necessity. I couldn't loathe my job more if I tried. I hated what I did and saw and wish I could wipe it away.
But I can't. And I can't fix that.

As the moon was high in the sky and the town was sleeping, I was up and inside the old, abandoned warehouse the Sunset Seven call their workplace. It was a quiet night and I was doing paperwork. Ironically, I was addressing envelopes to go to a select few who would qualify to be in this "business." I picked another one up and put the name "Agnes Crumplebottom" on the sticker.
But what happened next was not something I was used to. Ayesha Anasari, one of the Sunset Sevens heiresses's stood in front of me. I hadn't seen her since the day I had yelled at her for hitting on me. I had feared seeing her since then. She had power over the whole organization. Not a good thing to get on the bad side of her.
Ayesha: "Well hello there.....I didn't know you worked here."
She laughed a cruel, razor edged laugh. I stared at her blankly.
Ayesha: "Ok boy, I'm gonna cut to the chase here....I have unlimited power over you and your pathetic little family. So, I am going to use that power for my own good. I want you to get me pregnant. You see, my stupid fiance would give me ugly kids but if I had kids with you then they would be gorgous! And, of course the biggest reason is that I just want to mess with you, and have you in my bed, going against all your worthless morals and knowing in your mind that your family will always hate you for this. Boys are so adorable when they feel trapped. I wonder if you will hate your child? Just because it is half mine...."
I was stunned. I leaped out of seat. My blood boiled.
Why the Hell did she want me to have her baby?! I was ready to scream at her but she stopped me.
Ayesha: "Easy boy, don't get to excited to jump in bed with me just yet. I need my family to think this baby is from my stupid fiance and having a baby when we havent even got married would be stupid."
I couldn't take it anymore. I ran. She yelled something I could barely hear over my loud boots hitting the ground.
Ayesha: "Remember honey, I have all the power! You want your stupid family to die? All you have to do is knock me up!"

Emotion overtook me and I couldn't run anymore. This would hurt my family in all the ways I hadn't hurt them already. It would probably cause my wife to leave me and take my kids with her. But when the other option was for them to die.....
I knew I would have to give Ayesha what she wanted. Even though it would uproot every moral code I still lived by.

I then decided that I would keep this a secret for as long as possible.
This child, born of evil and despair, would never come to meet my real family, whom I loved. I just prayed with all my heart that this dirty secret would remain between me and Ayesha.
And I looked to the skies and wondered, how did this happen and why me?
And I returned to my sleeping family, the people I would betray. And I wept silently and wondered if there was any light at the end of the tunnel.
Sam Narrating
Life for me just couldn't get any better. And the reason for that? Her name is Bella Bachelor, only the prettiest, wittiest girl in the world. And you know what she's my girlfriend. Well....almost at least. Does helping her with her homework after school count?

Bella: "Hey! That number looks like a little crab if you add a line right here....and that one looks like the sun.....And that one looks like a surfboard...."
She sighed. I sighed too. A flash of something daring crossed Bella's eyes.
Bella: "Wanna go to the beach Sam? We can go together, it will be fun!"
Sam: "Bella....your parents said you can't leave the house....."
Bella: "Pftt! I need some fun, and I'm sick of being the rolemodel. I wanna tear the town up!! And Sam, no offense, but you need a tan A.S.A.P."
I couldn't resist any longer. Her face beamed and her skin glowed.
Next stop: The Sunset Beach.

We ran the whole way there, letting the hot air burn our faces. She raced ahead and I lagged behind. Hey, artists aren't known for their running abilities.
But I caught up in the end. She was stanind there and I approached her with limited confidence. She was just so perfect looking. I had only dabbled in painting random watercolors lacking inspiration but I felt that I had it here now on this beach.....her skin a soft caramel, tanned to utter perfection. I stood next to her, gazing into her eyes. I was mesmorized.

Bella: "Sam.....I.....this place is beautiful huh? I go here with my parents sometimes but it's not the same when I'm with you.....I guess what Im trying to get out is that......I really really like you in a different way than just friends....like as a boyfriend?"
I was still looking into her eyes. I only half heard what she said but it filled me with that feeling again....and now it was even stronger....Was it love?

Bella: "Sam? Are you listening?"
Sam: "Yeah! Sorry.I ummm...Well...umm....I think I feel the same way too."
Bella: "Really? I thought it was just me. I really think we can make this work....wait Mortimer is that you?!"
I suddenly swirved around and saw Mortimer Goth, one of the richest boys in Sunset Valley. He was scowling at me but for a half a second he looked over at Bella, and I could see the raw love he had for her. But a Goth marrying off a Bachelor would be social suicide for all those hoity toity types. Still, rivalry rushed in my heart and I wanted to defend the prize I was so close to.
Mortimer: "Indeed it is. But I must be going now..Ms.Bella, take care of yourself."
And he left. And just when he did the Sunset that Sunset Valley is famous for played orange and pinks all over the sky. I couldn't miss this chance.
I made my move on the prize I so dearly wanted.

Bella: "So I fell for my math tutor.....Seems like a novel right?"
Sam: "Yeah......and you know what always comes next?"
Bella: "I can show you...."

And on the beach with a Sunset behind us, I had my first kiss with the woman I had fallen in love with. And I felt like nothing could break me.
If you think about it, I had come more than a long way since I arrived in Sunset Valley. I had thought I had known the world inside and out yet now I know I was as naive as the baby sparrow, testing out it's wings for the first time and failing.
On those first days I was a free woman who knew where she was going and wasn't going to let anything get in the way. Now I barely knew which way was up.

It was the car ride home from the hospital and both of us were drained of energy and a little shocked by the arrival of triplets. Ok, more than a little. A lot.
Leighton was barely keeping his eyes open, he was supposed to work that night too. But when he knew that he had three beautiful children, he was ecstatic. He wanted five children and now he had them. We had them.

Now, you may be on the edge of your seat wondering the genders and names of the little bundles. You are lucky because I am
going to tell you. Out of the basket came:

A little girl named Madeline. I call her Lynn because it's easier for me.
Especially when you have a household of seven. She has very dark eyes and I think she received Leighton's looks the most.
The next baby is:

Little Alice, another girl.You can tell she looks an awful lot like her sister, Madeline. She already has a strong personality and loves being cooed at. I don't know what this will mean later on but I guess I'm going to have to wait and see.
And last but not least is:

A third baby girl named Belinda. Yes, I got the girl I wanted times three.
The thing I notice about Belinda is her big, violet eyes. And it hit me how she had inherited them from me. I just stared into them and she smiled her little toothless smile. It warmed my heart and still does.

But the strenuous responsibilities kicked in quickly. Leighton had to take
frequent trips to the grocery store for the three little girls getting diapers and bottles and, by my request, little bows and doodads to adorn my baby girls in. It was hard for Leighton at first, his graveyard schedule left him little time with them. And what made it worse it that he was doing illegal and immoral things while at work. He was a pretty religious guy to and he hated his job. Absolutely hated it.

And speaking of not liking things, Brian has been acting weird.
Ever since the triplets have been born, Brian has closed up all communication
with me and Leighton and his older brother. He has straight D's in school and I blame myself. He was the object of all our affections before the triplets and now he is.....I don't even know how to say it....

But as I put down one of the babies another one starts screaming bloody murder.
And then when I put that one down I come to talk to him and he's gone to school or out with his friends. People he can count on more than me. I sigh as I write this.

Life as a multiple mommy can be described in many words. It's hard.
More hard than yard work or getting a promotion or teaching an old dog how to use a can opener. It's tiring too. Sometimes I hate Leighton for leaving every night and sleeping most of the day. I want to fall on the ground and cry but then I know that it would only make this worse. But sometimes the only thing you can do is cry.
Leighton Narrating
The birth of my three baby girls was one of the best things that happened to me.
I looked up at the sky and gave whoever was up there a little thank you. On a night the girls were especially loud and fussy, I was off to my job. If you could call the horrible things they do there a job.
That evening started like any other normal work day. If you could call stuffing bodies in garbage bags and scouting out the police normal. But the birth of my three gorgeous daughters seemed to propel me to keep going, even though I didn't feel like going anymore.

I was stuck in this job in fear that if I left, the Sunset Seven would kill both me and my family. I could never let that happen. So when I had to get into that old, dingy car for work it was out of complete and utter necessity. I couldn't loathe my job more if I tried. I hated what I did and saw and wish I could wipe it away.
But I can't. And I can't fix that.

As the moon was high in the sky and the town was sleeping, I was up and inside the old, abandoned warehouse the Sunset Seven call their workplace. It was a quiet night and I was doing paperwork. Ironically, I was addressing envelopes to go to a select few who would qualify to be in this "business." I picked another one up and put the name "Agnes Crumplebottom" on the sticker.
But what happened next was not something I was used to. Ayesha Anasari, one of the Sunset Sevens heiresses's stood in front of me. I hadn't seen her since the day I had yelled at her for hitting on me. I had feared seeing her since then. She had power over the whole organization. Not a good thing to get on the bad side of her.
Ayesha: "Well hello there.....I didn't know you worked here."
She laughed a cruel, razor edged laugh. I stared at her blankly.
Ayesha: "Ok boy, I'm gonna cut to the chase here....I have unlimited power over you and your pathetic little family. So, I am going to use that power for my own good. I want you to get me pregnant. You see, my stupid fiance would give me ugly kids but if I had kids with you then they would be gorgous! And, of course the biggest reason is that I just want to mess with you, and have you in my bed, going against all your worthless morals and knowing in your mind that your family will always hate you for this. Boys are so adorable when they feel trapped. I wonder if you will hate your child? Just because it is half mine...."
I was stunned. I leaped out of seat. My blood boiled.
Why the Hell did she want me to have her baby?! I was ready to scream at her but she stopped me.
Ayesha: "Easy boy, don't get to excited to jump in bed with me just yet. I need my family to think this baby is from my stupid fiance and having a baby when we havent even got married would be stupid."
I couldn't take it anymore. I ran. She yelled something I could barely hear over my loud boots hitting the ground.
Ayesha: "Remember honey, I have all the power! You want your stupid family to die? All you have to do is knock me up!"

Emotion overtook me and I couldn't run anymore. This would hurt my family in all the ways I hadn't hurt them already. It would probably cause my wife to leave me and take my kids with her. But when the other option was for them to die.....
I knew I would have to give Ayesha what she wanted. Even though it would uproot every moral code I still lived by.

I then decided that I would keep this a secret for as long as possible.
This child, born of evil and despair, would never come to meet my real family, whom I loved. I just prayed with all my heart that this dirty secret would remain between me and Ayesha.
And I looked to the skies and wondered, how did this happen and why me?
And I returned to my sleeping family, the people I would betray. And I wept silently and wondered if there was any light at the end of the tunnel.
Sam Narrating
Life for me just couldn't get any better. And the reason for that? Her name is Bella Bachelor, only the prettiest, wittiest girl in the world. And you know what she's my girlfriend. Well....almost at least. Does helping her with her homework after school count?

Bella: "Hey! That number looks like a little crab if you add a line right here....and that one looks like the sun.....And that one looks like a surfboard...."
She sighed. I sighed too. A flash of something daring crossed Bella's eyes.
Bella: "Wanna go to the beach Sam? We can go together, it will be fun!"
Sam: "Bella....your parents said you can't leave the house....."
Bella: "Pftt! I need some fun, and I'm sick of being the rolemodel. I wanna tear the town up!! And Sam, no offense, but you need a tan A.S.A.P."
I couldn't resist any longer. Her face beamed and her skin glowed.
Next stop: The Sunset Beach.

We ran the whole way there, letting the hot air burn our faces. She raced ahead and I lagged behind. Hey, artists aren't known for their running abilities.
But I caught up in the end. She was stanind there and I approached her with limited confidence. She was just so perfect looking. I had only dabbled in painting random watercolors lacking inspiration but I felt that I had it here now on this beach.....her skin a soft caramel, tanned to utter perfection. I stood next to her, gazing into her eyes. I was mesmorized.

Bella: "Sam.....I.....this place is beautiful huh? I go here with my parents sometimes but it's not the same when I'm with you.....I guess what Im trying to get out is that......I really really like you in a different way than just friends....like as a boyfriend?"
I was still looking into her eyes. I only half heard what she said but it filled me with that feeling again....and now it was even stronger....Was it love?

Bella: "Sam? Are you listening?"
Sam: "Yeah! Sorry.I ummm...Well...umm....I think I feel the same way too."
Bella: "Really? I thought it was just me. I really think we can make this work....wait Mortimer is that you?!"
I suddenly swirved around and saw Mortimer Goth, one of the richest boys in Sunset Valley. He was scowling at me but for a half a second he looked over at Bella, and I could see the raw love he had for her. But a Goth marrying off a Bachelor would be social suicide for all those hoity toity types. Still, rivalry rushed in my heart and I wanted to defend the prize I was so close to.
Mortimer: "Indeed it is. But I must be going now..Ms.Bella, take care of yourself."
And he left. And just when he did the Sunset that Sunset Valley is famous for played orange and pinks all over the sky. I couldn't miss this chance.
I made my move on the prize I so dearly wanted.

Bella: "So I fell for my math tutor.....Seems like a novel right?"
Sam: "Yeah......and you know what always comes next?"
Bella: "I can show you...."

And on the beach with a Sunset behind us, I had my first kiss with the woman I had fallen in love with. And I felt like nothing could break me.
1 Comment
Oh! There's so much to comment on here.
1st: Leighton is in real trouble! I love the drama but I hope he can make it not happen. Part of the fun is rooting for him when the odds look bad.
2nd: Triplets...ouch.
3rd: Bella might not be a Goth? Yippee! I'm rooting for Sam.
Posted on July 13, 2009 at 9:13 AM
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