10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
My little patch of Sunshine
Roxanne Narrating
Things are insane in the Robinson household. Things have never been like this before. Not only with Leighton's new job but with all the birthday parties and everything that's going on. I don't think I have taken a breath since.....a while ago.

First things first Sammy is transitioning from a child to a full fledged teenager with raging hormones and pimples. The little toddler who I had held was now a young adult, it made my heart give a little sigh. Sometimes growing up is hard. I wanted to get a good picture of Sammy before he grew up so Leighton decided he would take it because he said he knew cameras better.....but look what picture he actually got....that's me in the background....

So after that little fiasco it was time to head on down to the grocery store and buy Sammy a cake. He requested carrot cake but I discovered with dismay that there is only one type of cake in Sunset Valley. I wonder why that is?

Leighton and Roxanne: "Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Sammy! Happy Birthday to you!"
Roxanne: "We all love you hon, I hope you remember these years as good ones, and when you start liking girls, don't forget about this girl right here! Ill always be here for you babe!"
Sam: "Yuck! Girls?! Bleh!"
And with a big blow of air, Sam blew out the candles of his birthday cake...

And there he was.....my little Sammy...I had a tear in my eye.
Sam: "Look at me...I'm Lookin' good..The ladies will be linin' up for this hunk right here..."
Aww great, I had raised a vain child. And what happened to girls being yucky?

And as I started reminiscing of the long days with little Sammy my other little munchkin started hollering a racket you could probably hear from Mars. I was about to go and see what was wrong when Leighton said:
Leighton: "It's OK babe, I got this. You look tired. You should take a seat."

I was really tired so I sat down but caught a glimpse of the science unfolding in the nursery. Leighton was holding Brian and whispering softly so I could barely make out the words.....

Leighton: "I know I have kinda screwed things up lately, little buddy. You gotta know that losing you or Sam or your mom would tear me apart.
I will love you until the day I die and then I will love you still.
OK little buddy? You know what I'm saying here?"
Brian: "Gwoo gaa?"
Leighton: "Yeah,I guess that about sums it up."

And I saw how he carefully lifted Brian back in his crib. He was a pro at this without even trying. At that moment the anger at him for his job choices subsided and I wanted to hold him and give him what he wanted.....And I knew exactly what that was..........More children

I didn't wake up to Leighton because of his job. Apparently crime lords have to be driven at 6:00 in the morning. Leighton has been bringing home more money and he says it's just the beginning. But I'm so worried that somethings going to happen to him and he won't come back.

Sam has started high school....
Sam:"hey pretty lady what's shakin'?"
Lauren: "just a creep trying to pick up on me...."
Sam: "Where is he? I can apprehend this creep"
Lauren: "he's you........"
I hope Sam will take well to being with "the older crowd"

And just when you thought the birthday cake was tasting bad already, it was time to celebrate Brian growing up into a healthy young man. You may ask why I never have big birthday bashes for my children. Well the answer is simple: We are still broke. Even though Leighton's paycheck is a good amount, we have so many little expenses it's hard to even build a bathroom, which we haven't. I wish I could spoil them but for right now, I can't.
Getting back to Brian's birthday party, he was all giggles when he blew out the candles. But when he was aged up his mood was a lot grumpier.

I guess his new nickname will be "sourpuss" Don't ask me why he has the long face, maybe he just doesn't like that shirt. Don't like dump trucks Brian?
He is a little grumpypants everywhere except when he's fishing which he likes to do in the pond across the street. Anything that makes the guy happy right?
Speaking of making guys happy, I was pregnant again.And I thought with elation the look on Leighton's face when he saw that his dream of having a big family was coming true. The little baby bump stuck out and I touched it with my hands.I felt little kicks and I was happy. Genuinely happy. I had my little patch of sunshine back and I didn't want to lose it again....

But all of a sudden Leighton rushed in with a briefcase and looked me in the eyes.
Leighton: "We have Trouble."
And then I knew that I had lost my little patch of Sunshine possibly forever.

First things first Sammy is transitioning from a child to a full fledged teenager with raging hormones and pimples. The little toddler who I had held was now a young adult, it made my heart give a little sigh. Sometimes growing up is hard. I wanted to get a good picture of Sammy before he grew up so Leighton decided he would take it because he said he knew cameras better.....but look what picture he actually got....that's me in the background....

So after that little fiasco it was time to head on down to the grocery store and buy Sammy a cake. He requested carrot cake but I discovered with dismay that there is only one type of cake in Sunset Valley. I wonder why that is?

Leighton and Roxanne: "Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Sammy! Happy Birthday to you!"
Roxanne: "We all love you hon, I hope you remember these years as good ones, and when you start liking girls, don't forget about this girl right here! Ill always be here for you babe!"
Sam: "Yuck! Girls?! Bleh!"
And with a big blow of air, Sam blew out the candles of his birthday cake...

And there he was.....my little Sammy...I had a tear in my eye.
Sam: "Look at me...I'm Lookin' good..The ladies will be linin' up for this hunk right here..."
Aww great, I had raised a vain child. And what happened to girls being yucky?

And as I started reminiscing of the long days with little Sammy my other little munchkin started hollering a racket you could probably hear from Mars. I was about to go and see what was wrong when Leighton said:
Leighton: "It's OK babe, I got this. You look tired. You should take a seat."

I was really tired so I sat down but caught a glimpse of the science unfolding in the nursery. Leighton was holding Brian and whispering softly so I could barely make out the words.....

Leighton: "I know I have kinda screwed things up lately, little buddy. You gotta know that losing you or Sam or your mom would tear me apart.
I will love you until the day I die and then I will love you still.
OK little buddy? You know what I'm saying here?"
Brian: "Gwoo gaa?"
Leighton: "Yeah,I guess that about sums it up."

And I saw how he carefully lifted Brian back in his crib. He was a pro at this without even trying. At that moment the anger at him for his job choices subsided and I wanted to hold him and give him what he wanted.....And I knew exactly what that was..........More children

I didn't wake up to Leighton because of his job. Apparently crime lords have to be driven at 6:00 in the morning. Leighton has been bringing home more money and he says it's just the beginning. But I'm so worried that somethings going to happen to him and he won't come back.

Sam has started high school....
Sam:"hey pretty lady what's shakin'?"
Lauren: "just a creep trying to pick up on me...."
Sam: "Where is he? I can apprehend this creep"
Lauren: "he's you........"
I hope Sam will take well to being with "the older crowd"

And just when you thought the birthday cake was tasting bad already, it was time to celebrate Brian growing up into a healthy young man. You may ask why I never have big birthday bashes for my children. Well the answer is simple: We are still broke. Even though Leighton's paycheck is a good amount, we have so many little expenses it's hard to even build a bathroom, which we haven't. I wish I could spoil them but for right now, I can't.

I guess his new nickname will be "sourpuss" Don't ask me why he has the long face, maybe he just doesn't like that shirt. Don't like dump trucks Brian?
He is a little grumpypants everywhere except when he's fishing which he likes to do in the pond across the street. Anything that makes the guy happy right?

Speaking of making guys happy, I was pregnant again.And I thought with elation the look on Leighton's face when he saw that his dream of having a big family was coming true. The little baby bump stuck out and I touched it with my hands.I felt little kicks and I was happy. Genuinely happy. I had my little patch of sunshine back and I didn't want to lose it again....

But all of a sudden Leighton rushed in with a briefcase and looked me in the eyes.
Leighton: "We have Trouble."
And then I knew that I had lost my little patch of Sunshine possibly forever.
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