10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
I thought this kind of stuff only Happened in Movies
Roxanne Narrating
Sometimes reality is a strange thing.
You know somethings true but you don't know it at the same time.
The world is happening around you and you see it all but you don't comprehend it. If you understand this then you know how it might feel.
This odd, detached feeling that feels like a dream.
Or a nightmare.
Sometimes this happened to me. The world is spinning around a million miles an hour and I'm in this life just watching it all happening. Everything doesn't feel real right now.
First of all, my husband is a criminal and is being controlled by murderers.
Second of all, I am having a baby when are bank account is close to zero.
And thirdly, well, I will let you find out about that later on.

Yumi's death had struck hard and is still painful to rest our minds on. Her body is laying in the cemetery but her soul is still with us. We tried not to dwell on it though, life must go on for better or worse.

When the somber mood had lifted ever so slightly I decided to take advantage of it and do what I love to do which is cook. All these pregnancies have kinda put my dream of being a chef on hold but I didn't want it to be on hold for much longer.
Dreams are dreams and if you don't take action they will stay that way.
Just then, Sam went into the kitchen, his eyes full of elation and a full smile on his face. This kinda caught me off guard because smiles were rare in this house especially for Sammy, who grieved his grandmother with all his broken heart.
Roxanne: "Hey big guy, watcha doing?"
Sam: "Oh it's nothin'......No it isn't nothing at all! I am gonna meet this girl named Bella. I really like her I think. She needs help on her algebra test so....Wait, your not going to let me go are you?"
Roxanne: "Of course I will Sammy! Hopefully I will get to meet this lucky lady too!"
He wasn't expecting I would be so open to the idea. He probably thought I would say no. But I knew that would hurt him.
Sam: "Really?! Thanks mom!"
I was stunned. Him saying "mom" was the simplest gesture yet it meant so much.
That night when Sam came home he had some stories to tell....
Sam Narrating This Scene
A few hours earlier....

Bella: "I really think I'm gonna fail this test. I mean, what is that number supposed to be there for? And why do I have to find the square root of that number?"

Sam: "Well....."
I was really shy. I knew the answer but it wasn't coming out right. The girl had me under a spell. I could feel the heat of her skin and the smell of her long dark hair.
I imagined how I could paint a face as beautiful as hers. I probably couldn't. Nobody could. It was just so perfect......

I mustered up my courage. I was known in my school as the "nerd" or "dweeb" but I wanted to show that I wasn't going to live by silly labels anymore. I was Sam, a man with enough courage to win over the prettiest girl in school. Or, at least show her how to do her math.
Sam: "Well, that number over there needs to be combined with this number to make it alike. Then you need to carry over that seven and you get your answer..."
I don't think I was imagining how she was looking at me right then. She had a twinkle in her chestnut eyes and a coy smile on her face. My eyes widened and my breathing accelerated as well as my heart. But just then her dad, Simis, yelled out from upstairs.
Bella: "There is no boys here daddy!"
And she silently pushed me to the back door and gave me one last look that filled me with.....feeling I guess. Stuff I didn't even know. I ran out moments before her dad got the the bottom level. I ran home full of elation and feeling, whatever that feeling was. And for now, everything seemed perfect.
Roxanne Narrating
It was a relief to hear about little Sammy's interest in this "Bella."
Me and his grandma were about the only women he knew and he deserved someone who would love him in a new way. As for my own love life however, things were a little mucky. And I especially found that out a few days later.....

Leighton had taken me to the spa and I needed it. Ever since my days in Philadelphia I hadn't gotten one real massage. And pregnancies can really mess with your back so he took me there. It was a cheap 50 dollar one though so it was over with pretty fast. So I emerged from the spa to see my husband with another woman. I listened and remained undetected.....
????: "Hey I know you....Leighton right? You work at my families "business" right? I'm Ayesha Anasari. One of the top families in this town."
So she was one of those dirty rotten murderers who had killed that Johnny guy.
I remained still and silent, intrigued by this converstion.
Leighton: "Yeah...I know your name."
Ayesha: "I actually wanted to talk to you.....I understand your single? Because my family's mansion is just up the road and we could...."
She gave him "the look" Hatred flung out of me and I'm surprised I didn't lunge at her. She was tiny and I could tackle her and pull all her hair out. Even with a pregnancy belly. But I didn't have to. Leighton was already rejecting her and walking away. Thats my man. He even said he was happily married, even though our life wasn't quite happy.

Ayesha: "So what do you mean your married? On your application it says your single with no kids? Come on, I make a good "bed buddy" if you know what I mean......"
Leighton: "You know what Ms.Anasari? I mean no trouble but absoultely nothing will ever happen between you and me. Period.And you know why I said I don't have any kids and I'm single? It's because I want to keep them protected from you and your family of murderers."
I felt a rush of love for my Leighton just then. He looked over and saw me and grabbed me by the arm and we left. I looked at his face and it was bunched up with tears.
Leighton: "That was bad Roxy. I just yelled at one of the Sunset sevens daughters.This....this....this is bad. Now we are all in danger."
I didn't know what the "Sunset Seven" was and I was about to ask but I suddenly felt like throwing up. Those taco bell enchiladas arent very good for your system.

But it suddenely evolved into something more. I had felt this once before but this one was 3 times as harsh.
He rushed in to see the puddle where my water had broke.
Leighton: "It sure looks like it hon!!!"
He hailed a taxi and we were off to Sunset Valley General hospital.

The Bunch's seemed to be visting the hospital as a family when we got there. I found that pretty....interesting. But they sure got a scare when they saw pregger belly ready to pop.

At the hospital a strange thing happned. One that still boggles my mind.
Remember earlier how I listed a few things that still haven't sunk in completely?
And how I didn't say the third thing?Well that third thing is actually the number three. What does that mean you may ask. Well connect the two. I am at the hospital in labor and the number three is invloved. Yes, reader I had three babies also known as triplets.

Reality is a strange thing indeed.
Sometimes reality is a strange thing.
You know somethings true but you don't know it at the same time.
The world is happening around you and you see it all but you don't comprehend it. If you understand this then you know how it might feel.
This odd, detached feeling that feels like a dream.
Or a nightmare.
Sometimes this happened to me. The world is spinning around a million miles an hour and I'm in this life just watching it all happening. Everything doesn't feel real right now.
First of all, my husband is a criminal and is being controlled by murderers.
Second of all, I am having a baby when are bank account is close to zero.
And thirdly, well, I will let you find out about that later on.

Yumi's death had struck hard and is still painful to rest our minds on. Her body is laying in the cemetery but her soul is still with us. We tried not to dwell on it though, life must go on for better or worse.

When the somber mood had lifted ever so slightly I decided to take advantage of it and do what I love to do which is cook. All these pregnancies have kinda put my dream of being a chef on hold but I didn't want it to be on hold for much longer.
Dreams are dreams and if you don't take action they will stay that way.
Just then, Sam went into the kitchen, his eyes full of elation and a full smile on his face. This kinda caught me off guard because smiles were rare in this house especially for Sammy, who grieved his grandmother with all his broken heart.
Roxanne: "Hey big guy, watcha doing?"
Sam: "Oh it's nothin'......No it isn't nothing at all! I am gonna meet this girl named Bella. I really like her I think. She needs help on her algebra test so....Wait, your not going to let me go are you?"
Roxanne: "Of course I will Sammy! Hopefully I will get to meet this lucky lady too!"
He wasn't expecting I would be so open to the idea. He probably thought I would say no. But I knew that would hurt him.
Sam: "Really?! Thanks mom!"
I was stunned. Him saying "mom" was the simplest gesture yet it meant so much.
That night when Sam came home he had some stories to tell....
Sam Narrating This Scene
A few hours earlier....

Bella: "I really think I'm gonna fail this test. I mean, what is that number supposed to be there for? And why do I have to find the square root of that number?"

Sam: "Well....."
I was really shy. I knew the answer but it wasn't coming out right. The girl had me under a spell. I could feel the heat of her skin and the smell of her long dark hair.
I imagined how I could paint a face as beautiful as hers. I probably couldn't. Nobody could. It was just so perfect......

I mustered up my courage. I was known in my school as the "nerd" or "dweeb" but I wanted to show that I wasn't going to live by silly labels anymore. I was Sam, a man with enough courage to win over the prettiest girl in school. Or, at least show her how to do her math.
Sam: "Well, that number over there needs to be combined with this number to make it alike. Then you need to carry over that seven and you get your answer..."
I don't think I was imagining how she was looking at me right then. She had a twinkle in her chestnut eyes and a coy smile on her face. My eyes widened and my breathing accelerated as well as my heart. But just then her dad, Simis, yelled out from upstairs.

Bella: "There is no boys here daddy!"
And she silently pushed me to the back door and gave me one last look that filled me with.....feeling I guess. Stuff I didn't even know. I ran out moments before her dad got the the bottom level. I ran home full of elation and feeling, whatever that feeling was. And for now, everything seemed perfect.
Roxanne Narrating
It was a relief to hear about little Sammy's interest in this "Bella."
Me and his grandma were about the only women he knew and he deserved someone who would love him in a new way. As for my own love life however, things were a little mucky. And I especially found that out a few days later.....

Leighton had taken me to the spa and I needed it. Ever since my days in Philadelphia I hadn't gotten one real massage. And pregnancies can really mess with your back so he took me there. It was a cheap 50 dollar one though so it was over with pretty fast. So I emerged from the spa to see my husband with another woman. I listened and remained undetected.....

So she was one of those dirty rotten murderers who had killed that Johnny guy.
I remained still and silent, intrigued by this converstion.
Leighton: "Yeah...I know your name."
Ayesha: "I actually wanted to talk to you.....I understand your single? Because my family's mansion is just up the road and we could...."
She gave him "the look" Hatred flung out of me and I'm surprised I didn't lunge at her. She was tiny and I could tackle her and pull all her hair out. Even with a pregnancy belly. But I didn't have to. Leighton was already rejecting her and walking away. Thats my man. He even said he was happily married, even though our life wasn't quite happy.

Ayesha: "So what do you mean your married? On your application it says your single with no kids? Come on, I make a good "bed buddy" if you know what I mean......"
Leighton: "You know what Ms.Anasari? I mean no trouble but absoultely nothing will ever happen between you and me. Period.And you know why I said I don't have any kids and I'm single? It's because I want to keep them protected from you and your family of murderers."
I felt a rush of love for my Leighton just then. He looked over and saw me and grabbed me by the arm and we left. I looked at his face and it was bunched up with tears.
Leighton: "That was bad Roxy. I just yelled at one of the Sunset sevens daughters.This....this....this is bad. Now we are all in danger."
I didn't know what the "Sunset Seven" was and I was about to ask but I suddenly felt like throwing up. Those taco bell enchiladas arent very good for your system.

But it suddenely evolved into something more. I had felt this once before but this one was 3 times as harsh.
He rushed in to see the puddle where my water had broke.
Leighton: "It sure looks like it hon!!!"
He hailed a taxi and we were off to Sunset Valley General hospital.

At the hospital a strange thing happned. One that still boggles my mind.
Remember earlier how I listed a few things that still haven't sunk in completely?
And how I didn't say the third thing?Well that third thing is actually the number three. What does that mean you may ask. Well connect the two. I am at the hospital in labor and the number three is invloved. Yes, reader I had three babies also known as triplets.

Reality is a strange thing indeed.
1 Comment
Ah ha! I was right. Multiples. 3...yikes.
Can't wait to see what drama unfolds. Not a good thing to piss off a mob princess.
Posted on July 9, 2009 at 12:59 PM
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