10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
Band-Aids can't erase the memories
(But they sure look cute)
Alice Narrating
Voices in Unison:"SURPRISE!!!"
The sudden greet when I opened my door shocked my heart. There were lots of faces. Momma and Brian and this black haired girl with braids. There was also Sam, Brian and Bella and little baby Omar, who was tan and had big black eyes just like his momma.The last face I saw was Jared Frio's, who was putting on a face of faux glee and happiness. I stared at them confusingly. They smiled back, all their eyes full of happiness. I had never seen my family so untangled and put together. For this little moment I didn't feel like my family was totally dysfunctional. But I'm sure if I gave it another hour, we would be another hot mess.
Roxanne: "Hey baby!! Happy Birthday!! Now where are your sisters? And your dad? You three girls should have came at the same time.Then you would have gotten the full impact of the surprise..."
She didn't seem upset by the somewhat botched surprise party. Her eyes were dancing with happiness and joy. I had always thought of my mom as a pretty average looking person but when she was full of joy she was really pretty.
After hugging each of my family members, Belinda and Madeline arrived, along with daddy, who was wiping the sleepies from his bloodshot eyes.
Roxanne: "SUUURPRISE!!!"
She said for a second time, looking at my tow sister's faces.
Madeline: "We heard you mom. The whole house could hear you guys. I guess the surprise is ruined. Woop-de-do."
Everyone stared at Madeline for a very awkward moment. She stuffed her hand into a bag of cheeto's and emerged with a full grip of orange puffs. Madeline:
"When do we *munch* get some cake *crunch* this is a party right? Or am I going deaf?"
Momma blushed at her obnoxious outbursts and decided it was time to get this party kickin'.
We were then escorted outside, little Omar crying in momma's arms. On a little stone patio was a cake frosted with all the colors of the rainbow. Belinda was instantly jumping up and down asking to go first. Momma looked at daddy and told her to wait just a little bit.

We found out why we should wait when a line of cars parked their way across the street from our house. I scratched at my face anxiously as the happy faces of our visitors approached. My heart filled with razor sharp butterflies. I hated having attention on me.
I hated having to hide my sickness from my family let alone the whole neighborhood.

A blond kid came too I guess. When Belinda saw him she ran up and hugged him, almost sending his sandwiches flying. She blushed when he said happy birthday. I felt a pang of jealousy. I had never had many friends in school. Belinda had many. She had everything.
I had just about nothing. See the pattern??

The house was crowded with people. Mom served some of that gross cucumber stew stuff and it seemed to be a hit. I couldn't see why.

Brian was talking to the girl with braids most of the time. She talked in a funny accent though. She was all like "Vu you vunderstand Vrian?" and "I need vore juice Vrian"
She sounded pretty snotty so I stayed away from her. I'm sure Madeline will make fun of her later.
Everyone continued talking while I resisted the impulse to pick myself clean at the mirror. At that moment, with all those people I felt very unclean. I must have changed my dress four times during the festivities. Nobody seemed to notice my clothing changes and I kept my hair hiding my face at all times. I stared out at everything in front of me.
I was the outsider looking in.

I stepped outside. There was my sister, pairing her favorite rainbow t-shirt with a frown.
I put a hand on her shoulder gently, and looked into her lilac eyes. A tear had made it's way onto her cheek but she quickly wiped it off with the back of her hand. She smiled bravely at me and hopped up to her feet.
Maybe Miss.Lilac eyes didn't have it so perfect after all.

Suddenly the party crowd was released on to the little patio, disrupting Belinda's show of her human side. The whole family and friends were there and hooting and hollering for the first second generation girl Robinson to become a teen. Or they just like making a lot of noise.

Belinda's birthday song was played and she blew out the candles.
And the birthday obviously worked because there was my sister bigger than I remembered her and with momma's haircut. She smiled big for all our family to see. Too bad I knew that she was breaking inside about something.

I looked at her in the eyes the same moment she looked into mine.
It was as if she was letting me into her soul so I could take a look in and see how things really were. All I could see in those purpely eyes were sadness twinged with worry. Now I really wondered what was up. I was never close to Belinda but at that moment we understood each other. Too bad the moment would end when she was swooped into hugs from momma and daddy.

The little blond kid who brought the peanut butter sandwiches was pretty happy about Belinda's "transformation" After it all, he kept staring above her belly button but below her neck. He was just entranced. When daddy saw he instantly told him to go and check if there was any fruit punch in the fridge. (We never bought any)

And as Belinda jabbed a fork into her birthday cake half-heatedly, a loudvoice shouted through the crowd.
Everyone turned their heads to Sammy, who had his arm twisted around Bella's waist.
Bella smiled gingerely at him and kissed his cheek. A gentle "Awww" waved through the crowd. Madeline cackled menically, like she had done all through Belinda's birthday.
Sam: "Me and Bella have some very important news to share...."
Little Omar twisted around Bella's arms at his daddy's voice. Sam patted his little bald head and squeezed Bella further.
Sam: "The news is that earlier today I asked an important question to my beautiful Bella.
And, Thank God she accepted. WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!"
The whole crowd erupted into applaud and congragulations. Momma had burst into tears of joy and was hugging daddy and staining his blue shirt with salty tears. I even had a smile. Sam had always been a big part of my life and even though he was only my half-brother I loved him like he was my whole brother. And it was good that he was finaly moving on with Bella and about to start a real life. Some day I wanted to leave this place like Sam.

When everyone was inside congratulating the new fiances Madeline and me decided to celebrate our birthdays alone. I don't think I could have taken 30 something people staring at me as I blow out my candles. It sent a shiver down my spine. So I cheered on Maddy as she glared at the cake suspiciously.
Madeline: "Do these candles contain trans-fat??"
I looked at her, confused.
Alice: "I don't know Maddy.....I don't think so. Becau-"
She cut me off.
Madeline: "SILENCE!! Can't you see that the chili peppers are sleeping?!?"
I ignored her. She was having one of her episodes or "malfunctions" as me and Belinda called them.

Madeline: The sparkles!!! They will destroy me!!!"
I guess she didn't change much.
I stepped up to the frosted cake with the twinkling candles and closed my eyes. I wished for happiness. I hope that isn't to broad for the Birthday wish fairies. I just wanted my face to feel like mine again and I wanted to be like Belinda, who could make a friend just by smiling at someone. I opened my eyes and blew out the little flames.
And then there was Me

And even though I had a new face and a new body, I knew my mind hadn't changed.
I still craved the mirror, and I knew that it would only get worse.
I just hope I don't die for this.
Alice Narrating
Voices in Unison:"SURPRISE!!!"
The sudden greet when I opened my door shocked my heart. There were lots of faces. Momma and Brian and this black haired girl with braids. There was also Sam, Brian and Bella and little baby Omar, who was tan and had big black eyes just like his momma.The last face I saw was Jared Frio's, who was putting on a face of faux glee and happiness. I stared at them confusingly. They smiled back, all their eyes full of happiness. I had never seen my family so untangled and put together. For this little moment I didn't feel like my family was totally dysfunctional. But I'm sure if I gave it another hour, we would be another hot mess.
Roxanne: "Hey baby!! Happy Birthday!! Now where are your sisters? And your dad? You three girls should have came at the same time.Then you would have gotten the full impact of the surprise..."
She didn't seem upset by the somewhat botched surprise party. Her eyes were dancing with happiness and joy. I had always thought of my mom as a pretty average looking person but when she was full of joy she was really pretty.
After hugging each of my family members, Belinda and Madeline arrived, along with daddy, who was wiping the sleepies from his bloodshot eyes.
Roxanne: "SUUURPRISE!!!"
She said for a second time, looking at my tow sister's faces.
Madeline: "We heard you mom. The whole house could hear you guys. I guess the surprise is ruined. Woop-de-do."
Everyone stared at Madeline for a very awkward moment. She stuffed her hand into a bag of cheeto's and emerged with a full grip of orange puffs. Madeline:
"When do we *munch* get some cake *crunch* this is a party right? Or am I going deaf?"
Momma blushed at her obnoxious outbursts and decided it was time to get this party kickin'.
We were then escorted outside, little Omar crying in momma's arms. On a little stone patio was a cake frosted with all the colors of the rainbow. Belinda was instantly jumping up and down asking to go first. Momma looked at daddy and told her to wait just a little bit.

We found out why we should wait when a line of cars parked their way across the street from our house. I scratched at my face anxiously as the happy faces of our visitors approached. My heart filled with razor sharp butterflies. I hated having attention on me.
I hated having to hide my sickness from my family let alone the whole neighborhood.

A blond kid came too I guess. When Belinda saw him she ran up and hugged him, almost sending his sandwiches flying. She blushed when he said happy birthday. I felt a pang of jealousy. I had never had many friends in school. Belinda had many. She had everything.
I had just about nothing. See the pattern??

The house was crowded with people. Mom served some of that gross cucumber stew stuff and it seemed to be a hit. I couldn't see why.

Brian was talking to the girl with braids most of the time. She talked in a funny accent though. She was all like "Vu you vunderstand Vrian?" and "I need vore juice Vrian"
She sounded pretty snotty so I stayed away from her. I'm sure Madeline will make fun of her later.
Everyone continued talking while I resisted the impulse to pick myself clean at the mirror. At that moment, with all those people I felt very unclean. I must have changed my dress four times during the festivities. Nobody seemed to notice my clothing changes and I kept my hair hiding my face at all times. I stared out at everything in front of me.
I was the outsider looking in.

I stepped outside. There was my sister, pairing her favorite rainbow t-shirt with a frown.
I put a hand on her shoulder gently, and looked into her lilac eyes. A tear had made it's way onto her cheek but she quickly wiped it off with the back of her hand. She smiled bravely at me and hopped up to her feet.
Maybe Miss.Lilac eyes didn't have it so perfect after all.

Suddenly the party crowd was released on to the little patio, disrupting Belinda's show of her human side. The whole family and friends were there and hooting and hollering for the first second generation girl Robinson to become a teen. Or they just like making a lot of noise.

And the birthday obviously worked because there was my sister bigger than I remembered her and with momma's haircut. She smiled big for all our family to see. Too bad I knew that she was breaking inside about something.

I looked at her in the eyes the same moment she looked into mine.
It was as if she was letting me into her soul so I could take a look in and see how things really were. All I could see in those purpely eyes were sadness twinged with worry. Now I really wondered what was up. I was never close to Belinda but at that moment we understood each other. Too bad the moment would end when she was swooped into hugs from momma and daddy.

The little blond kid who brought the peanut butter sandwiches was pretty happy about Belinda's "transformation" After it all, he kept staring above her belly button but below her neck. He was just entranced. When daddy saw he instantly told him to go and check if there was any fruit punch in the fridge. (We never bought any)

And as Belinda jabbed a fork into her birthday cake half-heatedly, a loudvoice shouted through the crowd.
Everyone turned their heads to Sammy, who had his arm twisted around Bella's waist.
Bella smiled gingerely at him and kissed his cheek. A gentle "Awww" waved through the crowd. Madeline cackled menically, like she had done all through Belinda's birthday.
Sam: "Me and Bella have some very important news to share...."
Little Omar twisted around Bella's arms at his daddy's voice. Sam patted his little bald head and squeezed Bella further.
Sam: "The news is that earlier today I asked an important question to my beautiful Bella.
And, Thank God she accepted. WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!"
The whole crowd erupted into applaud and congragulations. Momma had burst into tears of joy and was hugging daddy and staining his blue shirt with salty tears. I even had a smile. Sam had always been a big part of my life and even though he was only my half-brother I loved him like he was my whole brother. And it was good that he was finaly moving on with Bella and about to start a real life. Some day I wanted to leave this place like Sam.

Madeline: "Do these candles contain trans-fat??"
I looked at her, confused.
Alice: "I don't know Maddy.....I don't think so. Becau-"
She cut me off.
Madeline: "SILENCE!! Can't you see that the chili peppers are sleeping?!?"
I ignored her. She was having one of her episodes or "malfunctions" as me and Belinda called them.

Madeline: The sparkles!!! They will destroy me!!!"
I guess she didn't change much.

I stepped up to the frosted cake with the twinkling candles and closed my eyes. I wished for happiness. I hope that isn't to broad for the Birthday wish fairies. I just wanted my face to feel like mine again and I wanted to be like Belinda, who could make a friend just by smiling at someone. I opened my eyes and blew out the little flames.

And even though I had a new face and a new body, I knew my mind hadn't changed.
I still craved the mirror, and I knew that it would only get worse.
I just hope I don't die for this.
Sorry about the chapter delay and the lack of screenies of some of the party. I was going to show a picture of Omar but I realized I only had one of him as a tot. (And it's of him drinking a bottle in the dirt, lol)
I will be updating the family tree with the grow-ups and such. New pics of the girls, Omar and Colin (Yup, hes still in the story, just not the center of attention at the moment) I'll have the updated family tree up ASAP.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I re-did it about thirty times because I had originally started the chapter with a big big drama factor but I decided to hold off because there was just to much going on.
Hugs, Tay
Posted on September 4, 2009 at 10:50 AM
Lovely teens. I've got to know what's bugging Belinda? Is she neurotic, too? Madeline's lines made me laugh out loud. The insane can be so fun.
Looking forward to the next one, of course. Keep it up, Tay!
Posted on September 5, 2009 at 9:04 AM
Thank you so much!! *hugs*
The insane can be very fun. And I think Madeline's insanity will be getting even more noticeable while she ages.
And the next update or two will explain Belinda's little problem.
Turns out, it may not be so little......
Posted on September 5, 2009 at 12:06 PM
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