10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
The Mistake that would require a real man
Sam Narrating

Hey it's Sam.....You remember me right? Leighton is my dad and Roxanne is my step-mom.
But I'm not here to relay some happy information.
I'm here to get some stuff off my chest. About the mistakes I made.
And not a little mistake either. A really, really big one.
But you don't know what has happened so I will start from the beginning....

After my sisters birthday everything was normal. Well, as normal as you can get with triplets around and a dad you thought you knew but don't know anymore.
But when August 22nd came, it was my birthday, an event we celebrated in the immediate family. It was nice.

And I was an adult.
An adult who could make very adult choices.
But sometimes those choices can end with consequences that even adults can't handle......

A few weeks later, Roxanne got a call to go to the international chef display, something she was ecstatic about. My dad was to go with her and keep her company, even though they hadn't exactly been on the same page lately.
My three sisters begged to go with them, they had never been anywhere besides sunset valley before. Dad gave in and then Roxanne, and it was settled that me and Brian would have the house to ourselves.

Well not completely to ourselves.
Because the night they left Bella, the girlfriend from heaven came over with her halo of dark brunette hair....oh boy, am I a sucker for beautiful girls.

I hadn't seen her since high school graduation, so when she embraced me I was a little surprised. I was the nerdy kid who had pocket protectors and she was the statuesque olive skinned babe that was usually reserved for the football players.

Bella: "Sam! Look at you! I haven't seen you in, like, forever!"
Her light green eyes penetrated deep into the cavities of my heart, illuminating the world with gold and silver. Everything was wonderful when you looked into them....good enough to do just about anything......

I took her hands. My palms were sweaty. I hope she didn't notice.
Bella: "Sammy.....I came because I want to try something...."
Her eyes were seductive. And I was falling for it. Falling deep.
Sam: "W-what is it Bells?"
Bella: "It's very fun....I used to do it all the time before I met you. And your parents are gone so things will be great."
I didn't understand. She said she would be in the bathroom while I would just relax on the bed. I still had no clue what was going to happen. Yes reader, I was naive. Too naive for my own good. *sigh*

Brian walked by muttering something under his breath. I can't be certain but I heard the words "On mom and dad's bed" and then "idiot" Then realization started to kick in. I looked over and there she was, a gorgeous angel, her eyes fearless and rebellious.

Sam: "Bells.....we can't do this you might get....p-p-pregnant"
But her mouth was on mine full of fiery purpose. And soon enough we were under the covers my head filled with desperate thoughts.

And as the sun creeped over the mountains, our breath touched, hot and excited.
Bella: "Thank you Sam.....Hopefully this works."
I was puzzled by the last three words but suddenly the words came to me:
Does she want to be pregnant?
And the memories I had once thought were unimportant rushed in.

Suddenly the memories of her swaddling my little sisters seemed important.
Now it seemed that the reason she came over was not entirely to see me, but to see the bite-sized triplets in the little pink room.
And then I hoped our night together hadn't resulted in a baby.....
But that was wishful thinking.

Hey it's Sam.....You remember me right? Leighton is my dad and Roxanne is my step-mom.
But I'm not here to relay some happy information.
I'm here to get some stuff off my chest. About the mistakes I made.
And not a little mistake either. A really, really big one.
But you don't know what has happened so I will start from the beginning....

After my sisters birthday everything was normal. Well, as normal as you can get with triplets around and a dad you thought you knew but don't know anymore.
But when August 22nd came, it was my birthday, an event we celebrated in the immediate family. It was nice.

And I was an adult.
An adult who could make very adult choices.
But sometimes those choices can end with consequences that even adults can't handle......

A few weeks later, Roxanne got a call to go to the international chef display, something she was ecstatic about. My dad was to go with her and keep her company, even though they hadn't exactly been on the same page lately.
My three sisters begged to go with them, they had never been anywhere besides sunset valley before. Dad gave in and then Roxanne, and it was settled that me and Brian would have the house to ourselves.

Well not completely to ourselves.
Because the night they left Bella, the girlfriend from heaven came over with her halo of dark brunette hair....oh boy, am I a sucker for beautiful girls.

I hadn't seen her since high school graduation, so when she embraced me I was a little surprised. I was the nerdy kid who had pocket protectors and she was the statuesque olive skinned babe that was usually reserved for the football players.

Bella: "Sam! Look at you! I haven't seen you in, like, forever!"
Her light green eyes penetrated deep into the cavities of my heart, illuminating the world with gold and silver. Everything was wonderful when you looked into them....good enough to do just about anything......

I took her hands. My palms were sweaty. I hope she didn't notice.
Bella: "Sammy.....I came because I want to try something...."
Her eyes were seductive. And I was falling for it. Falling deep.
Sam: "W-what is it Bells?"
Bella: "It's very fun....I used to do it all the time before I met you. And your parents are gone so things will be great."
I didn't understand. She said she would be in the bathroom while I would just relax on the bed. I still had no clue what was going to happen. Yes reader, I was naive. Too naive for my own good. *sigh*

Brian walked by muttering something under his breath. I can't be certain but I heard the words "On mom and dad's bed" and then "idiot" Then realization started to kick in. I looked over and there she was, a gorgeous angel, her eyes fearless and rebellious.

Sam: "Bells.....we can't do this you might get....p-p-pregnant"
But her mouth was on mine full of fiery purpose. And soon enough we were under the covers my head filled with desperate thoughts.

And as the sun creeped over the mountains, our breath touched, hot and excited.
Bella: "Thank you Sam.....Hopefully this works."
I was puzzled by the last three words but suddenly the words came to me:
Does she want to be pregnant?
And the memories I had once thought were unimportant rushed in.
Suddenly the memories of her swaddling my little sisters seemed important.
Now it seemed that the reason she came over was not entirely to see me, but to see the bite-sized triplets in the little pink room.
And then I hoped our night together hadn't resulted in a baby.....
But that was wishful thinking.
1 Comment
Oh dear.
So Bella didn't even want him for himself? That truly stinks.
Posted on August 2, 2009 at 10:07 AM
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