10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
Party Overload/A voice inside my head
Roxanne Narrating

As the guests evaporated from Brian's successful birthday and the smell of chocolate cherry cake dulled, I was glad that it was over. I needed some R&R.

I kissed each of the girls on the forehead and said goodnight to Brian, the handsome teenager I had raised since a tot. He responded with a beaming smile and an: "I love you mom."
Oh how pretty those words could be.

Time went by uneventful for a while.
Sam spent his time painting watercolors of far away lands and starry, desolate night skies. The remainder of his time would be spent making the honor roll in school and being the key teammate on the chess team. And of course there was his girlfriend, Bella. His Bella.

Then there is Leighton and me, the duo that has beat the odds, or at least for now we have. But things have been unusually tense around the house. There has been many arguments and hurtful words that can never be taken back.
Trust is hard when you know your husband is keeping a dark secret.
A secret that may tear us apart.
Or even be deadly.

And in the middle of all this, a very special event popped up on the calendar.
The girls birthday! Not one or two, but three beautiful girls growing up on the same day. I wiped the sweat that formed on my forehead. Another big birthday bash?

I peeked in on them and their round, cherubic faces. Madeline was gazing intently at her sister who was looking out the bay window. Was it just me or was there a hint of......anger, in Madeline's face?
No, it must be just me.....
Madeline Narrating

There is more to my face than meets the eye.
From the outside I look like any other mindless three year old.
But I am different.
Very, very different.

I put on a stupid smile for my mom and dad. I have learned that the girl with the biggest smile and cutest antics gets the most time out of this prison they call a "Crib" Sure enough, my mother comes and coos at me and swaddles me into her arms. I want to be out of them as soon as I was in them.
I had enough company in my head.

My mother had bathed me and washed my mouth out after she had caught me with a large rat in my mouth. But I wasn't the one who did it.
The person inside me did it.

After a while of my mother holding me like a doll, I was put down onto the padded pink floor. My sister Alice was behind me, I decided to converse with her before I could go outside and talk to myself. We spoke in the ancient toddler language.
Madeline: "Gwa goo fa fo poo poo."
*Translation: "Those stupid baby toys will rot your mind."*
Alice: "foo foo, mappy tedaroo wappa loo loo wee wee?"
*Translation: I only play with them because it's the only thing to do around this place.Belinda is the one who gets all the fun."*
Just the sound of her name made my stomach lurch. Me and Alice were the lesser two while lilac eyed Belinda got all the attention. I was sick of it.
I hated her for it too.
And I swear I would make her pay for it to someday.
Brian Narrating

Ever since my big birthday bash, things have been looking up for Ol' Brian Robinson. I spend my days fishing at the pond across from our house.

Is it just me or does catching goldfish seem kinda morbid?
Anyway, mom has been totally run over by planning a birthday party for my sisters. Sometimes I think mom is trying to hard to be the perfect mom. I am sure mad at myself for putting her through all my angst when I was a kid.
I hope I don't become like that again.
I fell asleep on the grassy lawn of the park that night. When I woke it was almost pitch black and I stumbled back home. I saw dad eating outside in a odd uniform.
I wondered if mom and dad had gotten into another fight.

Dad didn't notice how I tiptoed inside to go to bed but I did notice the tears that lined his cheeks. I wonder if it had anything to do with his mysterious job he had never told me about. He always told me he was a plumber but he couldn't even fix the leak on the shower. As I thought of this I snuggled into the covers and fell asleep, dreaming of my life as it was, jumbled and mis-matched....

That morning I woke up late. Late enough to wake up just in time to see my sisters grow up. It was a nice little party and everyone looked happy enough.

Alice Robinson

Belinda Robinson

Madeline Robinson

And as my sisters grow up, I can't help but think that things are going to become even more crazier around here. I can only hope that everyone will make it out alive in the end.......

As the guests evaporated from Brian's successful birthday and the smell of chocolate cherry cake dulled, I was glad that it was over. I needed some R&R.

I kissed each of the girls on the forehead and said goodnight to Brian, the handsome teenager I had raised since a tot. He responded with a beaming smile and an: "I love you mom."
Oh how pretty those words could be.

Time went by uneventful for a while.
Sam spent his time painting watercolors of far away lands and starry, desolate night skies. The remainder of his time would be spent making the honor roll in school and being the key teammate on the chess team. And of course there was his girlfriend, Bella. His Bella.

Then there is Leighton and me, the duo that has beat the odds, or at least for now we have. But things have been unusually tense around the house. There has been many arguments and hurtful words that can never be taken back.
Trust is hard when you know your husband is keeping a dark secret.
A secret that may tear us apart.
Or even be deadly.

And in the middle of all this, a very special event popped up on the calendar.
The girls birthday! Not one or two, but three beautiful girls growing up on the same day. I wiped the sweat that formed on my forehead. Another big birthday bash?

I peeked in on them and their round, cherubic faces. Madeline was gazing intently at her sister who was looking out the bay window. Was it just me or was there a hint of......anger, in Madeline's face?
No, it must be just me.....
Madeline Narrating

There is more to my face than meets the eye.
From the outside I look like any other mindless three year old.
But I am different.
Very, very different.

I put on a stupid smile for my mom and dad. I have learned that the girl with the biggest smile and cutest antics gets the most time out of this prison they call a "Crib" Sure enough, my mother comes and coos at me and swaddles me into her arms. I want to be out of them as soon as I was in them.
I had enough company in my head.

My mother had bathed me and washed my mouth out after she had caught me with a large rat in my mouth. But I wasn't the one who did it.
The person inside me did it.

After a while of my mother holding me like a doll, I was put down onto the padded pink floor. My sister Alice was behind me, I decided to converse with her before I could go outside and talk to myself. We spoke in the ancient toddler language.
Madeline: "Gwa goo fa fo poo poo."
*Translation: "Those stupid baby toys will rot your mind."*
Alice: "foo foo, mappy tedaroo wappa loo loo wee wee?"
*Translation: I only play with them because it's the only thing to do around this place.Belinda is the one who gets all the fun."*
Just the sound of her name made my stomach lurch. Me and Alice were the lesser two while lilac eyed Belinda got all the attention. I was sick of it.
I hated her for it too.
And I swear I would make her pay for it to someday.
Brian Narrating

Ever since my big birthday bash, things have been looking up for Ol' Brian Robinson. I spend my days fishing at the pond across from our house.

Is it just me or does catching goldfish seem kinda morbid?
Anyway, mom has been totally run over by planning a birthday party for my sisters. Sometimes I think mom is trying to hard to be the perfect mom. I am sure mad at myself for putting her through all my angst when I was a kid.
I hope I don't become like that again.
I fell asleep on the grassy lawn of the park that night. When I woke it was almost pitch black and I stumbled back home. I saw dad eating outside in a odd uniform.
I wondered if mom and dad had gotten into another fight.

Dad didn't notice how I tiptoed inside to go to bed but I did notice the tears that lined his cheeks. I wonder if it had anything to do with his mysterious job he had never told me about. He always told me he was a plumber but he couldn't even fix the leak on the shower. As I thought of this I snuggled into the covers and fell asleep, dreaming of my life as it was, jumbled and mis-matched....

That morning I woke up late. Late enough to wake up just in time to see my sisters grow up. It was a nice little party and everyone looked happy enough.

Alice Robinson

Belinda Robinson

Madeline Robinson

And as my sisters grow up, I can't help but think that things are going to become even more crazier around here. I can only hope that everyone will make it out alive in the end.......
I'm baaaaaack! The vacation was great but being back to my sims is even better.
Expect more of the narrating to be between the girls, who couldn't be more different.
So watch out for more of the roxy chronicles!
Posted on July 27, 2009 at 3:05 PM
WooWoo! She's back.
Awesome update. I can't wait to see what Madeline does. She seems to have PLANS.
Posted on July 28, 2009 at 7:56 AM
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