10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
The Big Move and Growing Pains
Roxanne Narrating
Hey it's me again, your friendly neighborhood Roxanne Robinson.
You probably read about me last time and how I went from single to girlfriend to fiance to wife in record time. It all happened so fast that when it was time to go and take my husband and my step-son to my house for the first time I was a little dazed.
For one I was about broke and not making a lot of money. I also had the tiniest house imaginable and wasn't terribly familiar with the typical motherly and wifely duties. (I completely suck at cleaning) But I mustered up all my courage and we drove up to my dwelling.

*car engine whirring*
Roxanne:"I don't want to disappoint you all but my place is a bit of a fixer upper."
Leighton: "I'm sure your just saying that Roxy."
Sam: "Woxy"
*Leighton and Roxanne let out a silent gasp*
Roxanne: "Did he just say my name? I thought he couldn't talk?"
Leighton: "I think my mom has been teaching him these things."
The sudden image of my husband's mother and my mother-in-law flashed into my head. She had wanted so badly to break us up and some where deep in the pit of my stomach I could tell she wasn't finished finished with that yet. I knew that me raising her grandchild sent chills up her spine.
*Car Motor stops*

I was expecting Leighton to look at my tiny house with regret and anger for getting himself into all this but instead he laughed and laughed and laughed. He even passed Sam to me so he could laugh some more. Remember how I said I was a hot-head at times? Well this was starting to make me mad...
Roxanne: "y'know if you stopped laughing like an idiot, maybe we could talk about why you are laughing in the first place?"
He stopped laughing and hung his head down slightly.
Leighton: "Im sorry Roxanne."
And that was the end of it.

I had already bought a crib for Sammy so that was no problem. But when he screamed or threw a fit, we heard it all. The first night was the worst for him because of the new house and all the stresses of the day. But when he did finally get to sleep, me and Leighton had some time alone....

Anyway, the next few days of our new life together were spent with are daily activities. I went to work for a day but felt horribly nauseous and called in sick a few days. I still haven't gotten one promotion if you can believe it. But as for Leighton, he keeps rising higher and higher in the sports career. I know it's wrong and not supportive and everything but I feel kinda jealous. I'm sick at home throwing up in the toilet while he is out pursuing his dreams. I really hope this doesn't drive a wedge into our marriage....

So I taught Sam to walk and talk and use the potty as best I could in between throw up sessions. He is really a smart kid if I do say so myself.

Sam is getting older so I decided that it wasn't right for him to be away from his grandmother just because she has a grudge against me. So I decided that I would let Sammy play there a while while I went to get some groceries. But surprisingly she wanted me to stay there so we could talk. I just thought she was going to lecture me but I was soon proved wrong. She talked to me while making a key lime pie I watched t.v. but listened intently to her speech.

Yumi: "Young child I am glad you came. We have some items to discuss .....You have raised my grand baby well and I deeply respect you for that. But I am worried now.I have seen your house and it is small, to small. And Sam is growing older and I wouldn't want his growing pains to become real pain. And what I worry about most is the child inside your stomach."
I would be lieing if I said I didn't gasp and clutch my stomach.
Roxanne: "But....How do you know? I don't even know yet!"
Yumi:" I have my ways child. But that is not the point. It is plainly visible to me that you carry my son's child. Now, how do you plan to support it?"
Roxanne: "I....I....I don't know....."
Tears streamed down my cheeks and I tried not to break out into full scale sobbing but I couldn't help it. I felt horrible about Sam and my unborn child, who were going to grow up nearly homeless. I felt horrible and selfish for wanting to fulfill my other dreams to. Now those dreams would surely perish.
Yumi: "Stop crying you oversensitive fool!........You just need to work hard so your unborn child's life will be well lived....You can trust me when I say you don't want to make the same mistake I did and become cold and hard.....it is a horrible life when you do that."

And then a smile spread across my face because she was finally opening up. And not only that but also that I had a baby. And right then it didn't matter that I was broke and had a small house. What mattered was that I had a loving little family and I was going to expand to it. And right then things seemed all right.
Tune in Next Time For Chapter Four!
Hey it's me again, your friendly neighborhood Roxanne Robinson.
You probably read about me last time and how I went from single to girlfriend to fiance to wife in record time. It all happened so fast that when it was time to go and take my husband and my step-son to my house for the first time I was a little dazed.
For one I was about broke and not making a lot of money. I also had the tiniest house imaginable and wasn't terribly familiar with the typical motherly and wifely duties. (I completely suck at cleaning) But I mustered up all my courage and we drove up to my dwelling.

*car engine whirring*
Roxanne:"I don't want to disappoint you all but my place is a bit of a fixer upper."
Leighton: "I'm sure your just saying that Roxy."
Sam: "Woxy"
*Leighton and Roxanne let out a silent gasp*
Roxanne: "Did he just say my name? I thought he couldn't talk?"
Leighton: "I think my mom has been teaching him these things."
The sudden image of my husband's mother and my mother-in-law flashed into my head. She had wanted so badly to break us up and some where deep in the pit of my stomach I could tell she wasn't finished finished with that yet. I knew that me raising her grandchild sent chills up her spine.
*Car Motor stops*

I was expecting Leighton to look at my tiny house with regret and anger for getting himself into all this but instead he laughed and laughed and laughed. He even passed Sam to me so he could laugh some more. Remember how I said I was a hot-head at times? Well this was starting to make me mad...
Roxanne: "y'know if you stopped laughing like an idiot, maybe we could talk about why you are laughing in the first place?"
He stopped laughing and hung his head down slightly.
Leighton: "Im sorry Roxanne."
And that was the end of it.

I had already bought a crib for Sammy so that was no problem. But when he screamed or threw a fit, we heard it all. The first night was the worst for him because of the new house and all the stresses of the day. But when he did finally get to sleep, me and Leighton had some time alone....

Anyway, the next few days of our new life together were spent with are daily activities. I went to work for a day but felt horribly nauseous and called in sick a few days. I still haven't gotten one promotion if you can believe it. But as for Leighton, he keeps rising higher and higher in the sports career. I know it's wrong and not supportive and everything but I feel kinda jealous. I'm sick at home throwing up in the toilet while he is out pursuing his dreams. I really hope this doesn't drive a wedge into our marriage....

So I taught Sam to walk and talk and use the potty as best I could in between throw up sessions. He is really a smart kid if I do say so myself.

Sam is getting older so I decided that it wasn't right for him to be away from his grandmother just because she has a grudge against me. So I decided that I would let Sammy play there a while while I went to get some groceries. But surprisingly she wanted me to stay there so we could talk. I just thought she was going to lecture me but I was soon proved wrong. She talked to me while making a key lime pie I watched t.v. but listened intently to her speech.

Yumi: "Young child I am glad you came. We have some items to discuss .....You have raised my grand baby well and I deeply respect you for that. But I am worried now.I have seen your house and it is small, to small. And Sam is growing older and I wouldn't want his growing pains to become real pain. And what I worry about most is the child inside your stomach."
I would be lieing if I said I didn't gasp and clutch my stomach.
Roxanne: "But....How do you know? I don't even know yet!"
Yumi:" I have my ways child. But that is not the point. It is plainly visible to me that you carry my son's child. Now, how do you plan to support it?"
Roxanne: "I....I....I don't know....."
Tears streamed down my cheeks and I tried not to break out into full scale sobbing but I couldn't help it. I felt horrible about Sam and my unborn child, who were going to grow up nearly homeless. I felt horrible and selfish for wanting to fulfill my other dreams to. Now those dreams would surely perish.
Yumi: "Stop crying you oversensitive fool!........You just need to work hard so your unborn child's life will be well lived....You can trust me when I say you don't want to make the same mistake I did and become cold and hard.....it is a horrible life when you do that."

And then a smile spread across my face because she was finally opening up. And not only that but also that I had a baby. And right then it didn't matter that I was broke and had a small house. What mattered was that I had a loving little family and I was going to expand to it. And right then things seemed all right.
Tune in Next Time For Chapter Four!
Having fun reading all the Legacy Stories out there, yours is lots of fun,keep going.
Posted on July 1, 2009 at 11:01 PM
What a mother in law. Roxy sure is an optimist!
Posted on July 2, 2009 at 4:24 PM
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