10 years ago
This is the blog detailing my simmies in the legacy challenge created by pinstar. I'm trying to play for points but sometimes it gets hard. Roxanne Robinson is the name of my foundress and will kick it off for 9 more generations! Wish me luck!
I just made a beautiful family tree that will be updated as the blog entries roll in!Check the top menu above the heaser for the link or go here Check in often and see what's happening to Roxy and the gang!
And if you are wondering if I will be ending the blog: Think again! The blog lives on hopefully forever as I make it through 10 generations and possibly even more!
Hopefully He's not with the Mafia
Roxanne Narrating
Hey guys hows it going? You all know I just had a beautiful baby boy named Brian.
After taking the drive back to the house from the hospital I suddenly realized that this was the real deal. He was adorable but a heck of a handful.
The crying. The pooping. The spit ups. And did I mention the pooping?

I was glad I had the experience with Sam under my belt. But nothing can dull the feeling of getting an hours worth of sleep every night. But when you look into your babies eyes or tickle their soft skin, you know that everything is worth it.

Sam is responding well enough to the new baby. He spends a lot of time reading and writing. He has his own library card and he rides his bike there a lot. He's always telling me about the lessons he learned about in school too. I just worry that he will be so pre-occupied with school and everything he will let the ones he loves gradually slip away....

Me and Leighton have been having some troubles of ourselves. I'm tiffed because he thinks he has to work himself to the brink for us to survive. I tell him I would rather be a poor women and have him here to help raise the kids than a rich woman who never sees her husband. It makes me angry and sometimes I can't hold it in. Hes very secretive about his job too. All I know anymore is he comes home with a check drained of energy and goes right to bed.
But I still love him. At least for now I do.

The days went by of babies screaming and pooping. And when it was time to age up little Brian I was pretty relieved. It was good that my little bundle of joy would be carrying on to the next phase in life.
Leighton was there and that made me happy. I cherish the few days a week that he has off.

Roxanne: "Brian, I love you the way you are now but it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Go on little one, blow out that candle!"
Leighton: "You can do it little buddy!"
And with a little help from me blowing out the birthday candle, little Brian grew up before my eyes.

I saw that he had inherited my hair color but Leighton's eyes.
I looked over to see that Leighton was getting his stuff together.
Roxanne: "Hon...where are you going? This is your day off...?"
Leighton: "Change of schedule.....the warehou....I mean sports arena needs me to come over and......get pumped for the next game....."
Roxanne: "You don't think I can tell when your lieing? There's something shady about all this and I know it can't be good.......Your with another woman aren't you?!"

My heart thumped hard and my temper flared. My knees buckled. Tears made their way out of my eyes.

Leighton: "No, No it's nothing like that..."
I cut him off. I was on fire. I hardly even noticed Brian in my arms at that time.
Roxanne: "Then what is it?! I would like to hear what your going to put your kids through!"

Leighton: "I would never put you or the kids through anything bad and I would never cheat on you. Ill explain. I got this business deal from this guy I met at the store...he said I could get paid twice the money for half the work...."

I calmed down just a bit, but I was still hot.
Roxanne: "So let me get this straight....You cut a deal with a shady guy YOU DON'T KNOW and took a job he offered because he said you would make more money? What is this, the Sunset Valley mafia? This is insane and I think 99% of the population would tend to agree with me. Oh Leighton....is this the kind of atmosphere you want your children to live in?"
Leighton: "He promised it's all safe...its not like I'm going to go hitman on all of you. I'm just a chauffeur for now. Y'know driving all these guys around in their big limos? It's harmless and pretty soon we will be living in a mansion."
I said OK because I didn't feel like talking at all anymore. This was all turning out like a t.v. show. Pretty soon we would be like the Sopranos. I hung my head and put Brian in his high chair and fed him some foul smelling baby mush.

It took a while before I could look Leighton in his eyes, or stomach the fact that when he left the house he was helping the rich fat cats who caused crime in this little city. I took Sam and Brian to the library sometimes so I could try and escape my perfectly imperfect life. A good Jane Austen novel could surely dull the pain?

And as the numb feeling subsided I felt sad and angry at myself for reasons I didn't quite know fully. All I know is: This is only the beginning and this precarious tower will surely fall and be the end of the good times.
Tune in Next Time For Chapter Seven!
Hey guys hows it going? You all know I just had a beautiful baby boy named Brian.
After taking the drive back to the house from the hospital I suddenly realized that this was the real deal. He was adorable but a heck of a handful.
The crying. The pooping. The spit ups. And did I mention the pooping?

I was glad I had the experience with Sam under my belt. But nothing can dull the feeling of getting an hours worth of sleep every night. But when you look into your babies eyes or tickle their soft skin, you know that everything is worth it.

Sam is responding well enough to the new baby. He spends a lot of time reading and writing. He has his own library card and he rides his bike there a lot. He's always telling me about the lessons he learned about in school too. I just worry that he will be so pre-occupied with school and everything he will let the ones he loves gradually slip away....

Me and Leighton have been having some troubles of ourselves. I'm tiffed because he thinks he has to work himself to the brink for us to survive. I tell him I would rather be a poor women and have him here to help raise the kids than a rich woman who never sees her husband. It makes me angry and sometimes I can't hold it in. Hes very secretive about his job too. All I know anymore is he comes home with a check drained of energy and goes right to bed.
But I still love him. At least for now I do.

The days went by of babies screaming and pooping. And when it was time to age up little Brian I was pretty relieved. It was good that my little bundle of joy would be carrying on to the next phase in life.
Leighton was there and that made me happy. I cherish the few days a week that he has off.

Roxanne: "Brian, I love you the way you are now but it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Go on little one, blow out that candle!"
Leighton: "You can do it little buddy!"
And with a little help from me blowing out the birthday candle, little Brian grew up before my eyes.

I saw that he had inherited my hair color but Leighton's eyes.
I looked over to see that Leighton was getting his stuff together.
Roxanne: "Hon...where are you going? This is your day off...?"
Leighton: "Change of schedule.....the warehou....I mean sports arena needs me to come over and......get pumped for the next game....."
Roxanne: "You don't think I can tell when your lieing? There's something shady about all this and I know it can't be good.......Your with another woman aren't you?!"

My heart thumped hard and my temper flared. My knees buckled. Tears made their way out of my eyes.

Leighton: "No, No it's nothing like that..."
I cut him off. I was on fire. I hardly even noticed Brian in my arms at that time.
Roxanne: "Then what is it?! I would like to hear what your going to put your kids through!"

Leighton: "I would never put you or the kids through anything bad and I would never cheat on you. Ill explain. I got this business deal from this guy I met at the store...he said I could get paid twice the money for half the work...."

I calmed down just a bit, but I was still hot.
Roxanne: "So let me get this straight....You cut a deal with a shady guy YOU DON'T KNOW and took a job he offered because he said you would make more money? What is this, the Sunset Valley mafia? This is insane and I think 99% of the population would tend to agree with me. Oh Leighton....is this the kind of atmosphere you want your children to live in?"
Leighton: "He promised it's all safe...its not like I'm going to go hitman on all of you. I'm just a chauffeur for now. Y'know driving all these guys around in their big limos? It's harmless and pretty soon we will be living in a mansion."
I said OK because I didn't feel like talking at all anymore. This was all turning out like a t.v. show. Pretty soon we would be like the Sopranos. I hung my head and put Brian in his high chair and fed him some foul smelling baby mush.

It took a while before I could look Leighton in his eyes, or stomach the fact that when he left the house he was helping the rich fat cats who caused crime in this little city. I took Sam and Brian to the library sometimes so I could try and escape my perfectly imperfect life. A good Jane Austen novel could surely dull the pain?

And as the numb feeling subsided I felt sad and angry at myself for reasons I didn't quite know fully. All I know is: This is only the beginning and this precarious tower will surely fall and be the end of the good times.
Tune in Next Time For Chapter Seven!
1 Comment
"...a good Jane Austen novel..."
You've got a lot of drama here, but as JA said, "every rich man must be in want of a wife" She didn't say that every good wife is in want of a rich man.
Posted on July 7, 2009 at 7:07 AM
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